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Engine Block Heater

embarrassingly I cannot find the cord to the block heater in my 2013 explorer, help please and thank you
Here is a picture of where mine is. It is the cord with the white AC tag on it. The end of it is capped. Have yet to use it.



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Top of the cooling fan housing over towards passenger side, wrapped in black loom.


15 Sport Engine block heater

My sticker options say factory engine block heater. Does anyone have one or know the details behind it or how/when it operates?


My sticker options say factory engine block heater. Does anyone have one or know the details behind it or how/when it operates?

It operates when you plug it in the wall outlet to heat up the coolant in the engine block. Look for an extension cord under the hood, usually towards he front. It should be secured to other wires.... it's actually that basic.

Use the search function on here, I attached a photo of where it is, in previous thread

My sticker options say factory engine block heater. Does anyone have one or know the details behind it or how/when it operates?

Using the 'Search' function I found this thread and merged your with it. If you plan on using the block heater, the best thing is to put it on a timer so it come on about 3 hours before you want to use the vehicle. I never used the one that came with the 2011 Limited and don't know if the MKT even has one. Some temps recently have been below 0 degrees F. I think the last time I used one was about 30 years ago. I think they do allow for the heat to come on sooner after start up.


How does the heater really work? I live in WI, where the block heater comes standard at no charge. My local dealer found my Explorer with the options I wanted in IL. I don't think the heater is standard there so the truck I am having shipped up here doesn't have this. Is this something I should worry about or something my dealer would install at no charge? I will call them tomorrow but just wanted to see if someone on here had insight on this.


I found this out when meeting with a Ford salesman last week. In
the northern states as mentioned, ND, SD Mn, IA,Wisconsin,
this is just a partial list the block heater is standard and put in all of
He mentioned it is a big job to install one later, lots of labor, and close
to $300.00. That is why they are careful on transferring one in out of
the area. Make the heater part of the deal. I suppose you have not
if they are going to get it. You did know you can still order a new 2015,
that ends on Jan. 30th.

I had a block heater on my old 2008 F-250 SD Diesel and loved it - kind of need one on a diesel when temps drop below 20F, makes warm up much easier (especially on a diesel).

I ordered one for my 2000 Explorer and am going to install it when I change the coolant. I plan on using it when the forecast calls for night time temperatures in the 20's and place it on a timer to kick on @ 1am - cuts WAY back on engine warm up time and worth the hassle to install it in my book.

He mentioned it is a big job to install one later, lots of labor, and close
to $300.00. That is why they are careful on transferring one in out of
the area. Make the heater part of the deal. I suppose you have not
if they are going to get it. You did know you can still order a new 2015,
that ends on Jan. 30th.

These aren't that difficult to install - it's simply a matter of knocking out a freeze plug, inserting the new element, then routing the cable. Dealing with the coolant is the worst part, and unless the freeze plug is in a tight location, it shouldn't be that bad.

I put one in my previous vehicle ('03 Lincoln Aviator), but that was a nice kit since the end of the plug was held in a bracket in the bumper opening - you didn't have to pop the hood to get at it. I thought about adding one to the new Explorer, but with the remote start, I'm not going to bother.

Here's the Ford diagram as an FYI:


These aren't that difficult to install - it's simply a matter of knocking out a freeze plug, inserting the new element, then routing the cable. Dealing with the coolant is the worst part, and unless the freeze plug is in a tight location, it shouldn't be that bad.

I put one in my previous vehicle ('03 Lincoln Aviator), but that was a nice kit since the end of the plug was held in a bracket in the bumper opening - you didn't have to pop the hood to get at it. I thought about adding one to the new Explorer, but with the remote start, I'm not going to bother.

Here's the Ford diagram as an FYI:


I'm just relaying what a dealer would charge. Beyond that, is just
