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:sigh: Back to the dealership.....



Just gonna let this speak for itself....

Just had the entire system from the manifolds back replaced by the dealership July 3rd....


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Just gonna let this speak for itself....

Just had the entire system from the manifolds back replaced by the dealership July 3rd....


Have you looked underneath to see if the bolts came out or snapped off? Can't recall if there are studs/nuts or bolts for that.

Ashamedly I admit for the first time in my life I am without a real floor jack, and I'm not about to peek under using that factory jack

I'm gonna bet since it was recently replaced. The mechanic forgot to tighten the bolts

I'm gonna bet since it was recently replaced. The mechanic forgot to tighten the bolts

I'm betting so too, because I KNEW there was an exhaust leak I've heard since I brought it home, but the dealership said nope, no leak. :thumbdwn:

Did you end up getting it covered under warranty?

I would be taking them to court suing them for all they are worth. This could have resulted in death to you or your family. There is no excuse for this shoddy workmanship.

I would be taking them to court suing them for all they are worth. This could have resulted in death to you or your family. There is no excuse for this shoddy workmanship.

wow.....how can you miss that?

I would be taking them to court suing them for all they are worth. This could have resulted in death to you or your family. There is no excuse for this shoddy workmanship.

and this is why the USA is known as being "Sue happy" ... a bit extreme don't ya think?

I would be taking them to court suing them for all they are worth. This could have resulted in death to you or your family. There is no excuse for this shoddy workmanship.

My eyes rolled so far back in my head they hurt. I should sue you

Your dealership not only owes you a new exhaust system but a refund for the trouble. I would have sued their ass because an exhaust leak means fumes traveling into the car and that could be carbon monoxide ready to kill you. There's absolutely no excuse. Especially because you mentioned there was a leak or something.

I remember when my '69 Cougar had an exhaust leak for a month and I died.

Your dealership not only owes you a new exhaust system but a refund for the trouble. I would have sued their ass because an exhaust leak means fumes traveling into the car and that could be carbon monoxide ready to kill you. There's absolutely no excuse. Especially because you mentioned there was a leak or something.

...sigh...and people wonder why insurance rates are so high.:banghead:

No lawyer would take such a case. To be awarded money you have to prove damages and as far as I can tell besides having to take the Ex back to the dealer there are not any damages. You wont be awarded money for what "might" have happened.

Your dealership not only owes you a new exhaust system but a refund for the trouble. I would have sued their ass because an exhaust leak means fumes traveling into the car and that could be carbon monoxide ready to kill you. There's absolutely no excuse. Especially because you mentioned there was a leak or something.


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