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Squeaky Rear Suspension - Can't Figure It Out!


Active Member
July 27, 2015
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1999 Ford Explorer EB
I have a 99 eddie bauer that is making a lot of noise from the rear end. It sounds like an old mattress spring that has seen better days. It really only makes noise when the truck goes over bumps or tilts to one side if taking a speed bump at an angle. It also makes the squeaking noise when exiting and entering the vehicle while stepping on the running boards. I've sprayed some white lithium grease on the leaf springs and a few other components back there, but it has not helped at all. Interestingly, if the truck is parked facing down on a slope where the rear end sits up a bit higher, I can push on the back bumper and it does not squeak.

When driving down the road though, this things sound like a rusty old mattress and is driving me nuts! Any help on where to look or what parts to check would be much appreciated. Cheers.

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Check your front ball joints.


Check your front ball joints.

Front ball joints and control arms were replaced recently with Moogs. Noise is coming specifically from the rear. Thanks.

In addition to what was said, I would.check the leaf spring eye bushings, and leaf spring hangers.

Also anything else that's rubber like the shock mounts. Don't forget the 5th shock.
Sometimes the shocks themselves can squeak.
Take a look at the spring eye bushes.

Spray water on anything you suspect, NOT oil, mineral products degrade rubber.
If the squeak goes away for a little while after spraying you found your mouse.

Okay guys, so I got underneath the truck and checked the body mounts. They look good. Still solid and not crumbling apart. Strange thing is, when I grab the tire and move it from side to side I get the squeaking/creaking noise. And while underneath the vehicle I grabbed the rear sway bar and rocked the truck. The noise definitely sounds like it's coming from the wheel. Right near the brakes. Caliper bolts???

Also anything else that's rubber like the shock mounts. Don't forget the 5th shock.
Sometimes the shocks themselves can squeak.
Take a look at the spring eye bushes.

Spray water on anything you suspect, NOT oil, mineral products degrade rubber.
If the squeak goes away for a little while after spraying you found your mouse.
^ Best advice. For rear side-to-side noise I'd bet leaf or shock bushings. Before watering, use a hose as a stethoscope.

^ Best advice. For rear side-to-side noise I'd bet leaf or shock bushings. Before watering, use a hose as a stethoscope.

Instead of spraying a single area with water which is what I should have done, I sprayed the entire rear undercarriage and the squeak disappeared for a good 20 min or so. It came back after it dried out. So, I need to spray a single area with a water bottle and go from there. I will check the leaf spring eye bushings tomorrow as well as the shock bushings. Thanks for the suggestions.

Instead of spraying a single area with water which is what I should have done, I sprayed the entire rear undercarriage and the squeak disappeared for a good 20 min or so. It came back after it dried out.

At least you know it's one of those things. I might have done it the same way myself.

Imagine spraying one thing, wait 20 minutes, that's not it; spray the next one and so on; turns out 2 hours later it was none of those things.

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