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Check out this deal I got!!!


Well-Known Member
October 7, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Richmond Hill, GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'02 Sport
So, I'm more than pretty stoked that I was able to get this amazing deal this past Thursday. I got a Surco S4560 Safari Rack and 3 KC Daylighter lights along with a custom 45" light bar for... get this... $100!!! As you can see, both are in need of a little TLC, but with some powdercoating and new light covers, these babies will be sparklin like brand new.



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Woot got some new pics for you guys (for those of you that care :p:)


And the final assembly before painting!


Need to pick up one final bolt/nut/washer combo (it only came with 5 when I bought it) and then it's on to the final coats of paint. Can't wait to get this on the roof! Quick question though, anyone have any thoughts on a makeshift bracket system to secure this to my nerf bars? I really don't feel like spending $150 on the Surco mounting system, so I'm open to any and all ideas!

If i remember right gman custom made his roof rack so he might know how to go about helping you out. Looks dang good for the money too!

If i remember right gman custom made his roof rack so he might know how to go about helping you out. Looks dang good for the money too!

Sweet deal, appreciate the heads up. Hopefully I can get a hold of him for some pointers! Yea, the rack was definitely a steal, that's for sure. It was pretty banged up in some places, and the paint was shot to ****, but so far, with a little TLC, everything is lookin up, haha. BTW, did you mean GmanPaint? His roof rack appears to be attached to stock crossmembers, which I, unfortunately, do not have :(

yeah gmanpaint, not sure how his is attached, but you may be right.

yeah gmanpaint, not sure how his is attached, but you may be right.

I think I found my answer. As of right now, I'm taking 1/4" x 2" x 3.5" stainless steel U-bolts, cutting about .5" off the threading, and I'm going to try and use those as my mounting brackets. I'm prolly gonna get two more 1/4" aluminum beams for added support, then I'll use 8 U-Bolts (four per crossmember, two per side), 16 locknuts, and 32 washers. I see no reason why this would not be strong enough (they are stainless steel for cryin out loud) so hopefully this will work as planned :cool:

Post pics of the mounting when done!

Well here's some preview pics for you guys, hope to start painting tomorrow, as well as finish cutting/fitting the mounting brackets.



Heres a mock up of my 33 when it's fit in there as well.


looks great

Sweet deal, appreciate the heads up. Hopefully I can get a hold of him for some pointers! Yea, the rack was definitely a steal, that's for sure. It was pretty banged up in some places, and the paint was shot to ****, but so far, with a little TLC, everything is lookin up, haha. BTW, did you mean GmanPaint? His roof rack appears to be attached to stock crossmembers, which I, unfortunately, do not have :(

My Rack is attached to 2 steel bars bolted thru the stock luggage rack tracks.

Your rack system is completely diff than mine. The U-bolts is a good idea. I would use the spinner nuts on them, like the ones I use for my Hi-Lift jack attachment. Easy on & off. I would also attach a piece of hard rubber between the rack & u-bolt for shock dampening.

Here is what I am referring to:

You can see the steel crossbars under the rack that it is attached to here:

Yea, I know what you mean with the rubber, good call on that one. I'm prolly gonna end up only using some locknuts, due to hopefully not needing to take it off much, as well as the fact it's gonna be a huge PITA to get the nuts on there in the first place :cool: Got my final three U-bolts today, gonna cut them, finish painting the mounting hardware, then hopefully have it up by this weekend (can't do it any earlier cus of this stupid hurricane that's pouring on us :mad:) Until then, here's some more mock up pics, as well as a pic of the final paint coat.



No clue what the hell happened with the paint, all I can figure is the humidity from this morning. I've been spray painting for awhile now and I've never seen it haze over like it did.

Luckily, it only did it on the top/bottom of the rack, so no one will be able to see it anyway :p:

That is called "Blushing". It happens when the humidity is trapped under the paint. Depending on what paint you used, there is an easy cure for that. Ancient Chinese secret...tee hee.!

The reason I swapped out my stock luggage cross bars, is because of weight of the rack & spare tire. Your support bars, I don't know much about. Are they metal, or plastic? What are they rated for in weight?

That is called "Blushing". It happens when the humidity is trapped under the paint. Depending on what paint you used, there is an easy cure for that. Ancient Chinese secret...tee hee.!

The reason I swapped out my stock luggage cross bars, is because of weight of the rack & spare tire. Your support bars, I don't know much about. Are they metal, or plastic? What are they rated for in weight?

Yeah, I figured it was the damn humidity... God hates me :mad: Care to share that secret with me? As for the nerf bars, they're plastic, and I assume there's some form of metal within them for structural support, but I have no clue. No idea on the load rating, either, nor any idea where to find it, haha. I guess I'll know everything worked out fine if the rack stays on the truck... and, well, if it doesn't work out so well... good luck to whoever is behind me :p:

First I need to know what type of paint you used, ie..alkyd oil, lacquer, etc...

As far as the structure integrity of your support bars....I would think your manual should say what the max weight load is.

First I need to know what type of paint you used, ie..alkyd oil, lacquer, etc...

As far as the structure integrity of your support bars....I would think your manual should say what the max weight load is.

Well, here's a link to the spray paint:

I'm combing the owner's guide right now, so far no luck. I'll let you know what I find. :salute:

EDIT: No go on the manual. Luckily Ford figured it was of no importance, prolly cus they figured I would rollover before I got to use it anyway :p:

Well, finally got her up on the roof. The paint got all fubar from the wrench, but I'll fix that soon enough. Here's a close up of the mounting:

Question though, I've noticed the possibility for the U-Bolts to cut into the roof once the tire is placed onto the rack, which I really don't want, so I'm looking for suggestions on how to fix this. I was thinking strips of rubber or polyurethane, laying them between the bolt ends and the roof, but what do you guys think?

Can you just do a 180* with the clamps? Place a vac line nipple on the stud ends after you have them tight.

Well, I was wanting to do that initially, however it wouldn't provide nearly as tight a hold as the way they are oriented now. The flat bracket that came with the bolts hugs the flat underside of the nerf bars, and the curve of the top of the bolts hugs pretty snugly against the changing width of the rack to the top of the nerfs. I was thinking about originally using some shelving end caps. They would fit perfectly, but I'm not sure if they would be strong/resilient enough to withstand the weight of the tire or protect the roof for a long period of time. I'll look up on the nipples though, hopefully I can find something.

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