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Leather Repair


New Member
July 28, 2020
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Fort Lauderdale, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Mercury Mountaineer
Can anyone recommend a source for leather repair tape to match the Prarie Tan color of my interior? Any and all advice is most appreciated!
I have a badly torn front driver's seat. I'm looking quick fix to prevent further damage. Photo attached. Please don't judge. The rest of my ride is looking pretty good.


  • Torn Leather Seat.jpg
    Torn Leather Seat.jpg
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My vote is get a seat or just the cover from a junk yard
Easiest cheapest way other than tape

Agree. Tape isn't going to hold...let alone look attractive. I'd put protective seat covers on them before I'd try tape.

3rd vote for seat covers... or sneak up on a cow...

As far as tape goes if you just have the bug to try it, I'd imagine you're going to need a supplier to send out a sample to check for a color match. Online pictures are impossible to match accurately unless you just happened to get lucky. Even something made to match that Ford color new, is unlikely to match after it has aged all these years.

RockAuto says they have seat covers that are "Toast" color. About $125 for a pair.

leather - perfect match to OE color and pattern around $200
vinyl - very good color match and OE pattern around $129

Installation takes 3-4 hours (not terribly difficult) Be sure to order/get new hog rings.
Watch theseatshop's video to learn how to do it. I've done one leather and one vinyl driver's seat bottom. Leather is best, but vinyl is functional, the vinyl looks okay and is cheaper.

My vote is get a seat or just the cover from a junk yard
Easiest cheapest way other than tape
My vote is get a seat or just the cover from a junk yard
Easiest cheapest way other than tape
Thanks. Thats my plan. Probably will get a new cover. I just want to prevent the foam from tearing even more before I get the job done. I guess it doesn't matter if the tape is a great match. Any tape will will be an improvement.

Can anyone recommend a source for leather repair tape to match the Prarie Tan color of my interior? Any and all advice is most appreciated!
I have a badly torn front driver's seat. I'm looking quick fix to prevent further damage. Photo attached. Please don't judge. The rest of my ride is looking pretty good.
Thanks to all that replied. I've not been able to log on for over a week. And didn't notice all that reached out to help. Thanks again!!

Bucket Seat Cover with Liner Fits Ford Explorer 2000-2018 Price For 1 Only | eBay

Our seat isn't nearly as bad as yours. We put on one of these, mostly as preventive measures. We tried the pad styles but they never seemed to stay in place.

We ordered Tan for our '95 w/Prairie Tan.

View attachment 321181

Good luck,
Thanks. I think Im going to tape it up to protect the foam from further destruction, and purchase one of those until I'm ready to remove the seat to replace the seat cover.
