Where are all the used 1st gens? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Where are all the used 1st gens?


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST
I haven't seen any on Craigslist in ages in Phoenix or the surrounding cities. I started searching random cities on CL looking for 1st gens, and nothing. Nothing for sale one Ebay either. :dunno:

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I have noticed that too in LA. It's even more dramatic with Navajo's. I have only ever seen one and it has been parked in front of a shop for 2-3 years. I never inquired but there's no for sale sign.

Everybody figured out how great they were, so now they want to keep them!😁

"Cash for Clunkers" took the highest toll on Gen1s. It was the most
traded in IIRC.

I've seen more than usual show up at the junk yards recently. Lkq was advertising some I think subsidized value for running vehicles from I think 93 & earlier that exceeded bluebook value for most running first gens. FB marketplace has recent hits. Offerup has first gens for sale, most that have been for sale for up to 2 years , because offerup users are generally flakes.(ime).

Also, on craigslist private sellers will sometimes try to sell their vehicle in the parts section. Seen that kinda often with first gens.

Same here in the Philadelphia area. They were a bit of a rare find even 6 years ago when I started looking. I got lucky 2 years ago that the one I bought popped up on craigslist a few weeks after I came home from my 18 month stay in Utah, and it happened to be the color I wanted the most.
I don't even see them in junkyards, which is annoying because I want to eventually buy a nicer rear bumper for mine. Lots of rangers though, some of my parts ended up coming from them. Even the 2nd gen Explorers are starting to get a bit difficult to find these days.

I applaud all the people who refused to trade their good-running Explorers in to cash for clunkers. I'll never forgive the people responsible for that program.

There are still some here and there for sale. JY have pretty much dried up too. I don't see many on the roads much anymore these days.

I do still see lots of clean 2nd gens though on the streets.

@Rick are you looking for one? I have a first gen Sport I'll give you. Missing interior, and doesn't run.(..or maybe it does. 🤷) Plus I need to pull the manual t-case. Body is good though. I'd rather see it kept alive vs having it crushed.

I haven't seen any on Craigslist in ages in Phoenix or the surrounding cities. I started searching random cities on CL looking for 1st gens, and nothing. Nothing for sale one Ebay either. :dunno:
You now have to pay to advertise cars on CL. It’s why there are less “cheap” cars.

Theres one near me on marketplace. The guy wants $8,000. I watch Craigslist & marketplace and buy anything $500 or under. So far I have 5 first gen, one second gen and a 91 Ranger.

I'm currently fixing up a 94 I bought for $100 and drove it home. Just finished installing a ******* pack and 132X coils. I need 1/2° more of camber after installing Moog alignment bushings, hoping these springs will settle a bit.

You now have to pay to advertise cars on CL. It’s why there are less “cheap” cars.

You have to look at Offer Up or FB Marketplace for the cheap cars now.

However I find the older people still use CL. There is definitely less traffic on their now, and things don't sell as fast, but there is still a audience.

My '01 Explorer Sport I just picked up for $550 was off of CL. But it was in the auto parts category.

There are still some here and there for sale. JY have pretty much dried up too. I don't see many on the roads much anymore these days.

I do still see lots of clean 2nd gens though on the streets.

@Rick are you looking for one? I have a first gen Sport I'll give you. Missing interior, and doesn't run.(..or maybe it does. 🤷) Plus I need to pull the manual t-case. Body is good though. I'd rather see it kept alive vs having it crushed.

Thanks, but no. I would want to stick with a 4 door.

Rick, save some 1st gens for the rest of us.

There is a red one listed on CL in Spokane for $3,000. It looks brand new for having over 200k miles on it.

I'm just looking for a cheap survivor. I'll eventually find something locally.

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Most have probably been crushed by now. I'm keeping eyes open for a gen1 sport but they just aren't showing up often, or they're ready to be crushed.
