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Noisy Lifter --- Which product is best for this problem?

2000 Explorer XLT 4DR 2WD 4.0L V6 SOHC JOB1, 5-Speed Automatic O/D 5R55E, 149,000 miles.

I’d appreciate your input on WHICH product will be the BEST at resolving my problem. I have a noisy lifter; it’s ticking; let's assume it's sticking. I want the noise to go away; I want it to un-stick. Given the info below… and your opinions… should I use Rislone, Sea Foam, or some other product… which one?

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Pretty sure the 4.0sohc doesn’t have lifters. Their more of a roller rocker. And their pretty easy to replace. Odds are it’s a chain or guide issue.

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2000 Explorer XLT 4DR 2WD 4.0L V6 SOHC JOB1, 5-Speed Automatic O/D 5R55E, 149,000 miles.

I’d appreciate your input on WHICH product will be the BEST at resolving my problem. I have a noisy lifter; it’s ticking; let's assume it's sticking. I want the noise to go away; I want it to un-stick. Given the info below… and your opinions… should I use Rislone, Sea Foam, or some other product… which one?

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I used an adictive.... motor honey and firstcstart rattle and ticks went away.

Sea Foam It is very effective, and can also be mixed with your fuel. NAPA and other places carry it.

2000 Explorer XLT 4DR 2WD 4.0L V6 SOHC JOB1, 5-Speed Automatic O/D 5R55E, 149,000 miles.

I’d appreciate your input on WHICH product will be the BEST at resolving my problem. I have a noisy lifter; it’s ticking; let's assume it's sticking. I want the noise to go away; I want it to un-stick. Given the info below… and your opinions… should I use Rislone, Sea Foam, or some other product… which one?

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Don’t use anything, just change the oil and flush the entire system. That’s what I would do. But sea foam has a good reputation as far as in concerned.

Don’t use anything, just change the oil and flush the entire system. That’s what I would do. But sea foam has a good reputation as far as in concerned.
Your timing chain guilds have probably worn, and it’s pretty expensive to have the timing chains overhauled. Shop quoted me 2000.00

U could always cover it with lukes oil treatment syrup. But. As a reminder…covering up issues instead of fixing them will usually bite u later. And usually when u least expect or need it. Like the middle of nowhere in 100degree summer.

2000 Explorer XLT 4DR 2WD 4.0L V6 SOHC JOB1, 5-Speed Automatic O/D 5R55E, 149,000 miles.

I’d appreciate your input on WHICH product will be the BEST at resolving my problem. I have a noisy lifter; it’s ticking; let's assume it's sticking. I want the noise to go away; I want it to un-stick. Given the info below… and your opinions… should I use Rislone, Sea Foam, or some other product… which one?

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Marvelous mystery oil is going to be your safest additive directly into the crank-case, especially if you have high-mileage. Using Seafoam or Rislone can act as an engine flush and could potentially cause seal leaking. I’d start with the MMO and sea if this solves it. 2nd (instead of SeaFoam or Rislone which are both very fine products), I’d use 1-2oz of ChemTool’s B12 per quart of oil (with your current oil) as an engine flush (5 bucks at Walmart). This product is not petroleum based and acts as a fine detergent. Run it 5 minutes then change your oil. If this doesn’t work, tear it apart and give’r a proper fix!


@410Fortune and @Fix4Dirt - Apologies; I'm not clear. I (think) I know which part you're referring to, but I'm not 100% sure. It seems like the parts have many different names. Here are the parts from the Ford parts diagram (below). Regarding the part that (might) be clogged (and causing the ticking sound)... is it part #13... or some other part number? Please advise. Many thanks.

2000 Explorer XLT 4DR 2WD 4.0L V6 SOHC JOB1, 5-Speed Automatic O/D 5R55E, 149,000 miles.
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#8 - Valve Seals - Ford (F77Z-6571-AB)
#10 - Valve Spring Retainers - Ford (F77Z-6514-AB)
#11 - Valve Keeper - Ford (F77Z-6518-AA)
#13 - Valve Lifters (Engine Camshaft Follower, Adjuster Assembly) (Exhaust) - Ford (F77Z-6500-AB)
BTR - I'm not sure if it matters for your question regarding what product would help, but your diagram is not one of a SOHC engine. That is an OHV engine, push rods, rocker arms, etc. Ford had both 4.0 SOHC and 4.0 OHV engines in the Explorers/Mountaineers/Rangers.

@swshawaii - Thanks, but I've ruled-out the tensioners. I'm solely interested in fixing the ticking that's coming from one of the valves, i.e., the Valve Lifter (Engine Camshaft Follower, Adjuster Assembly) Ford (F77Z-6500-AB) appears to be either (1) sticking, or (2) needs replacement.
How or why did you "rule out" the hydraulic tensioners and three plastic timing chain guides without removing the valve covers or the oil pan to check for broken plastic timing chain guide remnants? As we know, isolating valvetrain noise can be very difficult under the hood. Faulty timing guides are by far a more common failure than cam follower noise on the 4.0L SOHC. For your sake I hope it isn't guide related, but you need to dig deeper. Good luck.

BTR - I'm not sure if it matters for your question regarding what product would help, but your diagram is not one of a SOHC engine. That is an OHV engine, push rods, rocker arms, etc. Ford had both 4.0 SOHC and 4.0 OHV engines in the Explorers/Mountaineers/Rangers.
@colocat94 - The diagram is the 4.0L SOHC. You misspoke... there are no pushrods in the diagram. However, there are Rocker Arms (Ford YL2Z-6564-AA) and Lifters (Ford F77Z-6500-AB) aka Engine Camshaft Followers.

How or why did you "rule out" the hydraulic tensioners and three plastic timing chain guides without removing the valve covers or the oil pan to check for broken plastic timing chain guide remnants? As we know, isolating valvetrain noise can be very difficult under the hood. Faulty timing guides are by far a more common failure than cam follower noise on the 4.0L SOHC. For your sake I hope it isn't guide related, but you need to dig deeper. Good luck.
@swshawaii - I ruled out the front and rear chains by (1) using a mechanics stethoscope, and (2) researching and understanding the differences between the "clattering" sounds made by chains and the "ticking" sounds made by valves.

@colocat94 - The diagram is the 4.0L SOHC. You misspoke... there are no pushrods in the diagram. However, there are Rocker Arms (Ford YL2Z-6564-AA) and Lifters (Ford F77Z-6500-AB) aka Engine Camshaft Followers.
I stand corrected. Crow eating commencing!

marvel mystery oil Is my snake oil of choice.

@swshawaii - I ruled out the front and rear chains by (1) using a mechanics stethoscope, and (2) researching and understanding the differences between the "clattering" sounds made by chains and the "ticking" sounds made by valves.
ya got a video? know its hard to isolate but i remember the timing noise vs the lash adjuster noise. sometimes the valve cover timers can sound bery close to the lash adj

ya got a video? know its hard to isolate but i remember the timing noise vs the lash adjuster noise. sometimes the valve cover timers can sound bery close to the lash adj
Sohc 4.0 has hydraulic adjusters. I guess one of yours could be failing. The roller could be failing. Or the cam lobe could be worn out. Could be relatively easy to replace on the drivers side.

ya got a video? know its hard to isolate but i remember the timing noise vs the lash adjuster noise. sometimes the valve cover timers can sound bery close to the lash adj
@Fix4Dirt - I made several audio recordings but none of them successfully isolated the noise. They just sounded like an engine running. I'm 95% sure the noise is coming from a valve component (Rocker Arm Ford YL2Z-6564-AA and/or Valve Lifter/Engine Camshaft Follower, Adjuster Assembly Ford F77Z-6500-AB).

Nonetheless, I'm going to take an incremental approach to fixing the problem:
First - Marvel Mystery Oil
Second - Berryman B-12 Chemtool (after draining the Chemtool-laden oil, in the fresh oil I might add some ATP AT-205 to "renew" the seals)
Third - Lifter and/or Rocker Arm
Fourth - Both Timing Chain Tensioners
Fifth - Deep-dive into the plastic chain guides

Don't forget about a possible clog in the oil spray bar above the cam

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Don't forget about a possible clog in the oil spray bar above the cam
@donalds - Excellent point! Question: Can the 4.0L SOHC be started and run with the valve cover removed? This would be a great diagnostic step. However, I wonder if oil will spray everywhere and create a huge mess.

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