Need 02-03 sport gas tank stat! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need 02-03 sport gas tank stat!


Explorer Addict
April 30, 2001
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04 EB V8
All cause a damn evap leak. The valve on top of my gas tank was the culprit. I bought a new valve & the shop attempted to install. Appears my tank is a unicorn. The valve was sort of molded into the gas tank. It was cut out. The replacement unit has no way to be secured in the hole. Attempts at secure have failed. OK so a new tank is needed, or a used one. NO ONE I have found has this years gas tank. It's plastic with a single larger fill hole. The pump hole & valve are on opposite ends of the tank. Not one internet picture or parts site diagram I found have a picture of this tank.
Another great ford design, they changed the gas tank design half way through 2002 on sports. So now the only tanks that fit are from then & 2003. Even my 02 factory service manual shows a normal explorer tank & not this one. It's also smaller at 17gal. It is verified the correct tank.

Anyone have a source or suggestion on securing the valve? The shop is trying to use a combo of plastic fuel tank repair & jbweld. I should know tomorrow if it's gonna hold.

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Where are you located? I have a junkyard literally next door to me and they have an 02 sport. I’m in Lancaster Ca

somewhere in florida, shipping a tank would be super expensive. @DemonMudder

Where are ya at @Jason94sport ? Not sure my local junkyard here in Jax has many sports right now, is another one I could check. Though my truck is currently down, so I'm not sure when I could take a look around. Hopefully be up and running by this weekend.

It's a small plastic tank it's actually light when empty

It's a small plastic tank it's actually light when empty
Are we talking near jax? Where NE are we talking? lol
Should be an easy nab if I could find it then

Near Daytona. I called Ace already, no sports of that year.

Near Daytona. I called Ace already, no sports of that year.
Theres an ace here too, theres also a go pull-it, which is my primary one. The online inventory ain't always accurate from what I've seen, but I'll look real quick and maybe I can get out there this weekend if I'm lucky.

You said ya can't do a 2001 sport, right? 100%? Otherwise think theres only one option I can look at for ya, that red one may have it. The green is a sport trac too, so not sure if that works either

Screenshot_20230112-105015_Samsung Internet.jpg Screenshot_20230112-105009_Samsung Internet.jpg Screenshot_20230112-104727_Samsung Internet.jpg

What month was your explorer made?

After march 2002. So the new tank is needed. The shop was able to repair the tank. No idea how long it will last. I'll still look around for a spare tank.
Thanks all. That 03 sport should fit, but I'd have to remove it & I don't have those tools. I'll check ebay & locally every few weeks & may get lucky.
Positive note no more CEL.

I see the gas tank listed on $50-100 gets you a good used tank.

After march 2002. So the new tank is needed. The shop was able to repair the tank. No idea how long it will last. I'll still look around for a spare tank.
Thanks all. That 03 sport should fit, but I'd have to remove it & I don't have those tools. I'll check ebay & locally every few weeks & may get lucky.
Positive note no more CEL.
If ya need it, once my trucks back on the road and I got some funds, I can nab it if works for ya. Gets ya a spare tank for cheap. Glad they were able to, at least temporarily, fix it! But as said, if ya want it, and if it still has it, I'd gladly work something out with ya, be fun to visit daytona again

Thanks guys, but don't worry about it. Could not trust repair & the 02 was badly peeling, the clear, paint & rust on roof. I sold it & got an 04 EB V8.:bounce:

What color?


Sweet, don't forget to update your profile.

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