Check Brake System | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Check Brake System


July 29, 2011
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I received a message "Check Brake System" from my 2012 ford explorer XLT with less than 10k mileage. What's usually the cause of this issue? I already took my car to the dealer but they couldn't replicate the issue. I had this issue for three days but I can't replicate it always. It happened to me twice while driving and another after a started my car.

Does anyone experience this same issue?

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We have not seen that one with our Ex. Have you tried running a vehicle health report when it happens? It might shed some light on the issue if the problem is causing a code to be thrown.

I received a message "Check Brake System" from my 2012 ford explorer XLT with less than 10k mileage. What's usually the cause of this issue? I already took my car to the dealer but they couldn't replicate the issue. I had this issue for three days but I can't replicate it always. It happened to me twice while driving and another after a started my car.

Does anyone experience this same issue?
When this happened and you took it to the dealer, did they find a error code?


We have not seen that one with our Ex. Have you tried running a vehicle health report when it happens? It might shed some light on the issue if the problem is causing a code to be thrown.
Good morning Vince. Your post shows it was added at 6:05AM. Can't wait to get at it?? :D No Vehicle Health Report for us Canadians. :(


LOL Peter. It was actually 5:05am my time, but that does answer the question if times are shown in the member's timezone :)

It is my usual get up time, I just don't usually post that early.

When this happened and you took it to the dealer, did they find a error code?


I already took the car to the dealer but they didn't get the error code. The problem with that error is it doesn't always happen. It just happened to me when I took it to the dealer the first time for a change oil service then after two days I got a check brake system for the 3 straight days then on the 4th day I took it again to the dealer to check for that error but they weren't able to get it so they just recommend that if it happens again i should take it to any dealer and have them get the error code. ever since they check for that error i wasn't able to get the same message again.

The error message says "check brake system" and the park brake light is always on. I checked it from the vehicle report and it shows check brake system. It happened to me while I was driving twice in a high speed road and the first time it happened I had to pull over because I was scared of the message that there could be something wrong with my brake but when i turn the car off then check both the park and foot brake and they were all ok and restarted the car I didn't get the message.

Bumping this really old thread.
I had this message pop up today on my 14 Sport at just over 71k miles.

It turned on when I was on the highway.
I stopped at a gas station to fill up. The message came back on when I restarted, but turned off as I pulled out onto the street.

I did pop the hood to check brake fluid level and checked for leaks underneath, but didn't see any issues.

Also, when the light was on, as I pulled onto the offramp, I jammed the brakes hard and the ABS did kick on.

No other lights. After it turned off it stayed off the rest of my drive home(10miles).

Anyone else have this issue and any resolution?

Some possibilities:
wheel speed sensor or ABS module reporting/receiving bad info
corroded connection, intermittent short to ground
low brake fluid/bad sensor
bad brake vacuum sensor/solenoid

That message should store a code (braking/ABS) and it should be able to be read by Forscan or a good quality scan tool with ABS functionality.

Does that work with an Android phone? Looks like it's a USB plug. I can hook to computer, but phone is more convenient.

If you want to use the phone then you will need the Bluetooth adapter.

I have just found it easier to use a laptop with the larger screen when working on things.

Sounds good.
I really don't need to use the phone.
I have a separate Bluetooth obd2 reader for engine codes, so I just need a different one to read the other codes(like body and abs...etc)
I might just pick that one up.

The light hasnt come back on, so hopefully a code is stored.

So this message has started popping up on my explorer the several weeks.

"Check Brake System"

It only does it if when Ive been driving several minutes without using the brakes.
So it never happens driving around town, just on the open road.

There's no change in how the brakes feel or react, everything seems fine.

Fluid level is good and I cant find any leaks anywhere.

Any ideas?

Upon looking in a PDF file named 2017 Guide, Manual, & Workshop Manual.pdf (maybe I named it that? I don't remember), all I found was this:

When an ABS or parking brake system concern exists, the ABS module sends the brake (red) warning indicator request​
message to the GWM over the HS-CAN2. The GWM sends the brake (red) warning indicator request message to the IPC over​
the HS-CAN3 to illuminate the ABS warning indictor and to turn on the check brake system message center warning display​
Elsewhere in the owner's manual section it states:

Message: Check Brake System​
The brake system needs servicing. Stop the vehicle in a safe​
place. Contact an authorized dealer.​

I might hook up a scan tool and see what codes are stored, or if you have to wait till it happens again, have the scan tool ready to do so. I mean one capable of Ford-specific codes, not just OBD2. If you can get a DTC code, or even if you can't, you could look through the PDF attached below, a '14 workshop manual section on abs troubleshooting including a list of what the DTC codes mean.

Once that message comes on, does it clear by itself while driving, or need the vehicle stopped or turned off or some other pattern?


  • ABS Diagnosis & Testing 2014 Workshop Manual.pdf
    572.7 KB · Views: 34

So this message has started popping up on my explorer the several weeks.
"Check Brake System"
It only does it if when Ive been driving several minutes without using the brakes.
So it never happens driving around town, just on the open road.
There's no change in how the brakes feel or react, everything seems fine.
Fluid level is good and I cant find any leaks anywhere.

Any ideas?
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
Your thread was merged with this existing one.
Have you checked to see if any trouble (DTC) codes were set?

