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Admin Console Swap


December 30, 2023
City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
2020 PIU. 3.3 Hybrid.
Glad that I found this forum. I recently bought a 2020 PIU and just bought an admin console to replace the stamped steel unit that serves as the base for the police equipment. Here's the problem (likely just the first problem):

There is a radio unit that blocks the console from going into place. A quick search suggests that it is a factory CB radio unit. The markings on the unit say Radio AHU. It looks like it will need to be relocated or removed to install the admin console. Does anyone have experience with this retrofit and can provide insight into the best way to proceed?

I can provide picture of any part of the swap if helpful and to document for anyone else engaging in the same swap in the future.

Thank you for you help.

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Thank you for the response. I had looked through the available threads and was not able to find one that matched my use case (2020-up PIU). One did discuss availablity but did not go into the actual swap details. I was hoping to get info for the swap/install itself.

Thank you for the response. I had looked through the available threads and was not able to find one that matched my use case (2020-up PIU). One did discuss availablity but did not go into the actual swap details. I was hoping to get info for the swap/install itself.
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
The existing radio will likely have to be removed to install the console. Is the "admin" console similar to the one in the retail (civilian) Explorer?

My understanding is that it it very similar. The base structural unit appears to be the same part number between the PIU and other models. So what exactly is a "radio AHU"? Does any have any idea why it's listed as a CB radio under the Ford parts numbers?

I'll try and get some pictures loaded up today as well. I feel like a picture is worth at least a thousand words!

It definitely looks similar. As you can see from the pictures below, that unit is directly in the way of the console. Additional images were included for identification.

Here it is with a different part number that I copied from the Fordparts site.
It doesn't look like a CB (Citizen's Band) radio to me. Seems to be more of an add-on to the OEM radio. A CB radio would have required its own antenna.


That seems to be the conclusion I'm coming to as well. Is it something that exists on non-police units? And if so anybody know where it goes?

That seems to be the conclusion I'm coming to as well. Is it something that exists on non-police units? And if so anybody know where it goes?
I've had a 2011 Limited and a 2017 Platinum and am not aware of that item nor have I seen any posts about it before.


Do you think this would be something I could remove? If it's needed, can I just plug it back in? My concern would be that unhooking it throws a fault code that I'm going to have to go to the dealer to clear.

Found this link which describes it as the front audio control unit:
Front ACM Removal

It sounds like this is in another location in most 2020+ Explorers

Found this link which describes it as the front audio control unit:
Front ACM Removal

It sounds like this is in another location in most 2020+ Explorers
Good find. I believe that all Explorers have an ACM. Is there any way to relocate it without having to disconnect anything? I don't think it is something that you would want to remove.


Agreed. I just pulled the rear plastics and the wiring that would be needed DOES NOT EXIST. It is beginning to look like the 2020+ 65U option with the admin console uses a basically factory console with a SYNC 3 setup with the ACM in the passenger rear corner (vs the standard PIU with the ACM under the center dash as seen in the picture above). What I am trying to figure out now is if there is a location that place the ACM with some double sided tape and foam padding.

Agreed. I just pulled the rear plastics and the wiring that would be needed DOES NOT EXIST. It is beginning to look like the 2020+ 65U option with the admin console uses a basically factory console with a SYNC 3 setup with the ACM in the passenger rear corner (vs the standard PIU with the ACM under the center dash as seen in the picture above). What I am trying to figure out now is if there is a location that place the ACM with some double sided tape and foam padding.
Dont know if you ever came up with a solution, but I’ve already done this swap. That unit you are trying to relocate controls the radio in the PUI, and removing it doesn’t give you any fault codes, but does mean you have to drive in silence. What i did was remove the board from the ACM unit’s housing so that i had the board by itself. Then i removed the cover to the center console, and fastened the board as closely to the front of the console and fastened it down and plugged it in. Then i put the admin console cover back on to cover it all up.

Dont know if you ever came up with a solution, but I’ve already done this swap. That unit you are trying to relocate controls the radio in the PUI, and removing it doesn’t give you any fault codes, but does mean you have to drive in silence. What i did was remove the board from the ACM unit’s housing so that i had the board by itself. Then i removed the cover to the center console, and fastened the board as closely to the front of the console and fastened it down and plugged it in. Then i put the admin console cover back on to cover it all up.


^^ Welcome to the Forum. :wave:


That is an ingenious approach! To be honest, I had never even thought about taking the board out of the housing. Do you have any pictures of the process?

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