Recommendations for BBQ Pit Paint | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Recommendations for BBQ Pit Paint


Opinions or suggestions wanted please.

This large smoker was built for my Dad back in the mid 1950 when he was a shipyard maintenance and repair foreman for Lykes Brothers Steamship.

It actually a modified auxiliary from a cargo ship made of 3\8" plate steel and weighs about 1,000 Lbs.

It has been in the family forever and got its last refit and new bottom back in the mid 90's.

The amount of food and use this pit has seen are unbelievable!

She is in desperate need of a new paint job and some minor stack and firebox repairs.

I'm looking for suggestions on a Excellent Grade of high temperature paint that would have good UV resistance because she lives outside.

I was looking at a manufacturer called Carboline Thermaline Series 4700 which is a 3 part silica based high temp paint but other suggestions or recommendations are welcome.

This may be the last refit she will see in my lifetime...

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How about a coat of bacon grease? It would add to the patina and your neighbors will love you for it. I've heard old timers doing this to headers to keep them from rusting.



Wonder how long that would last?

Neighbors know when I have her cranked up, don't worry about that one.


Got my standard stock of Pecan and Live Oak which are really good smoking woods.

Mesquite is another good one but easy to "Over Run" with.


I don't know. I'm sure you'd have to put a couple coats on and let them bake into the metal and smoke off the excess but if grandmas cast iron cookware is any indication it should last a long time.

...Pecan...Live Oak...smoking woods...Mesquite...

I pressed my nosed against the monitor and tried to smell these words after I read them. I smelt nothing. I now feel very depressed and incomplete. Winter has just started and I already long for the smells of summer. Did I mention it's suppose to get down to 18F tonight?

Have to go fry up some bacon now...

Bacon, natures Prozac.


Don't worry.

I feel you pain.

Working in Big Rapids, MI right now.

28 outside?

This old swamp rat doesn't like the cold.

My hats off to you guys up here.

Wow, your practically right down the road from me. You do get around!

Watch out for the drunk driving college kids if your driving tonight. They can afford college and alcohol but not new tires and brake pads for the cars their parents bought them. Winter wonderland indeed. Wonder how they make it though the winter alive.:rolleyes:

I'm glad I get to drive a plow truck with a giant v plow and 6 tons of salt in the back all winter. I probably wouldn't even spill my coffee if someone happen to "plow" into me.

But anywho, back to BBQ talk.

Watch out for the drunk driving college kids if your driving tonight. They can afford college and alcohol but not new tires and brake pads for the cars their parents bought them. Winter wonderland indeed. Wonder how they make it though the winter alive.:rolleyes:

I saw that first hand Thursday night with that first small blast you guys got. People slipping and sliding everywhere. My long bed 2WD drive F250 is not made for this so it stays parked in the hotel.

One guy on the crew is always working up here so he has a 4WD F-150. He gets to play "Bus Driver".

Later this week we go further up to another ANR Pipeline Station somewhere near Gaylord, MI?

Heard it's more fun there.....

However, weather permitting come next Saturday, I'm south bound. On a normal day that run is about 20 Hours. (Gas, Coffee, Rest Stops only)

Pulled vacation days for Thanksgiving so I can get stuff done for dinner.

Turkey takes about 3 days to inject & marinate, and get other stuff ready.

The average 14 Lb Turkey takes about 8-10 hours to smoke. With 1-1\2" hours needed to preheat the pit I need to start about 5 A.M.
I'll also run a smaller smoker at the same time for sausage or something like that which is quicker and will give the family something to "Nibble" on while waiting.


Is that an invitation? That sounds awesome! :D

Best turkey I every had was when I spent thanksgiving with a fellow navy bud and his family from Slidell. Liberally injected with creole butter and deep fried to a crispy golden perfection. Most juicy and flavorful turkey ever! Makes me wonder what it would have tasted like if it was masterfully smoked before the sizzling peanut oil bath.....while stuffed with a stuffing mixed with hickory bacon...and then....and then...smothered in gravy!?.....



Well you get around too.

That's not far from the homestead.

What's really good is a few racks of Saint Louis Spare ribs.

They are tough to do.

Cook them too fast and they burn on the edges.

Cook them too slow and they dry out & get tough.

The hardest part is for the "Cook" not to get "Smoked" first on the "Adult Beverages"...

I think animal fat is actually corrosive over time but the only evidence I have of that is my grilling experience.

Have you thought of ceramic? Most just spray on and air dry now. dupli color makes a ceramic header coating in a can.



Thought ceramic had to be baked in at really high heat.

Salt, sauces and marinades are also corrosive.

Was talking with a buddy and said the spray can Krylon for bbq grills works for him. Don't think there is much you can do to protect the firebox area though. Maybe a layer of carbon felt with plate of steel on top between the coals and the bottom to insulate and protect the bottom from the excessive heat and drippings? :dunno:

Well it is a converted Auxiliary boiler from a steam ship.

Bottom section has got fire brick inside.

I think I'm going with Rustoleum System 4200. (High Heat Primer & High Heat Top Coat)

Main thing I try to do is after cooking and the pit cools I wash the bottom out and let it air dry.

Like I said I try...


The Pecan is all cut and soaking in water so it won't burn so fast.

40 Lbs of charcoal on hand. I'll use at least 20#

20 pound turkey has been cleaned out and has been soaking in a home recipe marinade for 3 days (Turned twice a day and injected) Gotta Start at about 0500 Hrs to get fire going and have it done in time.

(1) Turkey breast soaking in the same marinade.

(1) Turkey Breast soaking in Tony Chachere's Marinade. (Something different as a test run)

(18) Pack of Heniken on Ice.

Missing (1) Bottle of a Really Good Scotch...

Enjoy you Holiday My Friends!
