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Found on road dead.

Charles Lance

New Member
April 19, 2018
Reaction score
City, State
Stonyford, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Explorer Carryall
Figured I would get that out of the way.
Hi, I'm Charlie. I'm a Veteran, disabled and broke as hell. I found this forum trying to research a charging problem on my 2002 Explorer "Carryall" A.K.A. a former Illinois State Trooper car. Yes, his name is Elwood.

I prefer 18436572, but I got this for $650 and it runs great.

I'll be stress testing your forums today.


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"It's got cop tires, cop suspension, cop shocks."


"It's got cop tires, cop suspension, cop shocks."

Exactly! Speaking of which, I was told that If I want to "make it run right again", that I would need to get the H(or y) pipe for it and turn the "cop chip" back on.

I did the H pipe/Flowmasters/Chip on my mom's 5.0 LX years ago, and bay did that thing sing. I have some experience with a ELM327 and telnet, but I was told there was specific software? Lol

Welcome my friend and thank you for your service. Looks like a keeper. Other than the H pipe, how does it run otherwise.

Is it a 4.0 V6?
