MOAB EXPLORER EXTRAVAGANZA 2001 | Page 22 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Also check with two biggest hotel/motel reservation services:

Good luck!

my wifey decided to join me in this adventure so I'll have a "Full House". She won't go on a trail but that's OK.

See Ya!

Hey Andre Hryn
I'm not sure what trails you are planning on doing, but I would think some of the stock trucks will have room for your wife.
I know my folks will have extra room and she would be more then welcomed to go along with them.
Tell her I told her she needs to do some trails even if they are the stock easy runs. You guys out there have no scenery like what you will see at Moab, but then I haven't been there, but I do know what the mountains are like.

If they would like to see the mountains, but like to keep their pants clean, I should have some room in my truck. Just let me know when we get there and we're off. We did this a ton at Truckhaven.....just let me know.

Well, if she is anything like my girlfriend, she wouldn't be missing the trails because of lack of room, she's not riding for fear of death at the hands of nature ;) :rolleyes:

Moab is as much about scenery as it is about offroading. at least for me. And some of the best scenery can be reached only by 4x4 trails. I'm trailbossing the 3Dtrail on Friday for the stockers and I'll gladly try to accommodate a few passengers among the group. Also, anybody who likes scenery, plan on going to Dead Horse Point with me on Saturday morning. This will be on paved road, nothing for anybody to get queasy about.

This is what you'll see. I took this pic on last year's Moab run.


It would be a shame for anybody just to hang around town for the whole weekend. There's not much to do. Souvenier stores, restaurants, motels and rental places for outdoor gear. That's about it. You can do the whole town in a couple hours.

Looks like Tammy and I are backing out. Some financial challenges mean there is no chance for any mods on the truck between now and then and for us, scenery is not enough. So, rather than trying to do trails the truck really isn't qualified for, tearing it up when we can't afford to fix it, and make the trip just for the scenery, we're opting out. Maybe next year.

I will keep my reservation at the Silver Sage until someone contacts me about taking it. I want to be sure the room goes to someone in our group. e-mail me if you're interested and I'll see to it that the reservation changes hands.

*pout* Sure hate to back out, but sometimes wisdom overrules fun.

Trint, you may want to reconsider. As long as you have a $100 set of skidplates on your vehicle I guarantee you that you can go on every non-modified run we have scheduled. The actual difficulty is comparable to what you ran in Colorado and on tougher spots there are bypasses.

That's just it. I know we can do the "non-modified" runs. We don't want to. I've studied the trails in the book and on the web site and made of list of the trails we'd want to do. My list looks pretty much like the itinerary for the modifieds. Now, I'm sure the modified guys don't want to spend all day dragging my stocker over obstacles it shouldn't be on, and I KNOW I don't want to face the damage BAMBAM would incur. We've got tons of trails locally with great scenery and 2.5 - 3.0 difficulty. To make the trip worth while, I'd want to be on nothing less than 3.5. The way I see it, if I cop out on this trip, I'll be more likely to have BAMBAM beefed up in time for next year, maybe even in time for CCR2001.

I'm in a hard spot. :banghead: Tammy and I, being admitted wheeling addicts :smoke: , have built up a tolerance. Problem is, we don't have the dough to move up to the harder stuff. So, rather than knock off a couple of gas stations :rolleyes:, we'll put our habit on hold for a while.

Sure hate to miss it, but I think this is the best decision.

Darkman, did you get my e-mail ???

Christine and I are interested in your room reservations.
Please respond...


hey, thanks for the invite guys. I'll forward it to Anna. Thing is we might have to bring both of our kids with us so taking them with on the trail would be another thing although I know for sure that my 7 year old son will be wheeling with me. Same for Attica in April. he's going with.

As far as Silver Sage, if anyone has room reserved with two double beds I'd be more than willing to trade it for mine with single queen bed. (non-smoking).


Andre Hryn,
As for you bringing your kids, we are taking Patrick which is 11 and I know Go-fast has two kids and I think Gerald will have his boy. there is maybe more that I don't know so your kids will have fun on the trail. This is a great family outing!!

Wabbit, I thought that was you and Cwistine??? lol

Darkman, sorry you won't be coming, but I know how it is wanting to do something without money or having to save it makes it hard. Figure save the money then be ready for the next one....... See you at CCR2001

Abducted by aliens...

Ok, well not really, but I have been out of the loop for awhile. New job and life got in the way. It's good to be back!!! :bounce: At any rate, I am really excited by the Moab trip! :bounce: I'm also glad to see Gerald is organizing the runs again-we had a blast at CCR2000! For all you fellow stockers out there-don't be afraid of hurting yourself or your vehicles. Everyone is really knowledgeable and helpful and not only will you have a great time, but you'll be amazed at what your vehicles can do!

Special thanks to Darkman for the pics of my brother and I on that huge rock that we both made it over on CCR200. It's been a good conversation starter for months! Sorry you won't make this run, but hopefully we'll meet on another run soon.

I wanted to find out if any women (besides me) are planing on driving any part of Moab??? Come on ladies it's great fun!

Also do we need to register for the dinner on Sat? Is anyone interested in doing a cookout at KOA like we did last time and if so anyone interested in helping me out with it? I'll need someone from the KOA to volunteer their bbq pit also.

I love the idea of the bumper stickers and plaque and I'll definetly take a bumper sticker. Not worried about color just so it doesn't clash w/my metalic blue sport. Also what about T-shirts for Moab? Any thoughts?

Well more to come now that I'm back on line.


I'm in for a cookout at the KOA. I'm tring to get ahold of them to make my res. but nothing as of yet. I'm taking my grill with me and a ton of wood so we wont need to worry

How about the camp that Rick is staying out? Is there a place to have a cookout there???


Tent spaces are about 20/night at the KOA. It varies $1-2 depending on if you want water and power or not. You can get prices and make reservations online through . I did that and got a confirmation email in a few days.

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Originally posted by Perry
How about the camp that Rick is staying out? Is there a place to have a cookout there???

Rick wouldn't camp anywhere where he couldn't put another chair on the bar-b. :)
