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Winch questions


Explorer Addict
June 6, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Virginia Beach, VA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 4 Door Explorer XLT
I got a warn MX8000 winch cheap and I need to replace the cable. I'm not doing synthetic yet, its too expensive. What size and whats the longest length I should put back on? Also where is the best place to get it?

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Warn includes a 5/16" 80 or 100 feet of their steel line with their M8000 winches. I would go with 5/16 again.

Does anybody know what the hook is rated at? I know 8000lb winch 8000lb hook, but I went to a rigging company to have a cable made and a 3 ton hook is bigger than the one that comes standard with a winch out of the box and its forged alloy wich makes it smaller than its steal counter parts. I am thinking about using a 10k lb rated shackle instead. Somebody enlighten me :confused:

I dont see your problem? Why not upgrade to a stronger hook if you can?

It would be huge. The 6K lb hook is already about 6 or so inches long. The 5 ton would be 8 to 10 inches. I'm just wondering what the hooks that come on the winches are rated at. I am still thinking about just getting the cable with the end looped and using a shackle instead. I am having a company that specializes in industrial rigging build the cable. Its breaking point is just a hair under 10k lbs and will cost 60 bucks with the hook.

a shackle isnt a bad idea at all, possibly safer than a hook.

Do you think its better? I can get a 10K shackle/clevis at Northern tool. I'm just wondering what kind of hooks the winch companies are using.

Now I'm wondering if I should get galvanized or not. I know galvanized is more corrosion resistant, but they say if you treat an un protected cable on a regular basis, it will be fine. Just dont think i want a smelly oily cable to deal with.

Well this is what I went with. Like I said in another thread, the hand you see is attached to a 320 pound Hawaiian for perspective.
