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what to look at when high?

...they even grow the stuff, no much, only two plants...
no this is where the thread turns to the illegals. Things like this prob. shouldn't be posted. Loose lips sink ships. Remember Hindsight is 20/20, especially from a jail cell.;)

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I post this on behalf of my fiance. I haven't smoked (except for a couple of late night tokes) in about 9 years. She quotes:

"Ancient herbal remedies applied marijuana for a wide
range of ailments, including constipation, rheumatic
pain, female disorders, earache, jaundice, glaucoma,
asthma, muscular dystrophy, epilepsy, and
excitability. It was used to prolong life, improve
judgement, lower fevers, induce sleep, stimulate
appetite, aid in childbirth, and better the voice.
Queen Victoria is said to have sipped marijuana tea
for menstrual cramps.
In modern medical application, marijuana
effectively treats pain, muscle spasms and tremors,
seizures, nausea, vomiting, appetite stimulation,
insomnia, migraine headaches, depression, and
glaucoma, among other things."

There are numerous examples of patients with chronic pain, nausea, and migraines who have benefitted greatly from the use of marijuana.

Oh well, her $.02


Originally posted by Rick

IMO, the worst thing about smoking pot is the possibility of getting busted. It's not worth the mark on your record if you get caught. A little fun now could ruin your chances of the job of your dreams in the future.

Funny you should mention this. I had to submit to a drug screen at work today because I was injured on the job Friday (sprained my ankle). I have no problem with it since I'm clean as a whistle and have been for many years.

Back to the intent of the thread....more ideas on videos I am planning on making a "stoner" DVD to watch when stoned. I already have one of Pink Floyd videos but I know there is other good stuff out there laser shows, etc.?? come on.

Cheech and Chongs up in Smoke.:smoke:

Sounds exciting:rolleyes:

Originally posted by hornz2000
Back to the intent of the thread....more ideas on videos I am planning on making a "stoner" DVD to watch when stoned. I already have one of Pink Floyd videos but I know there is other good stuff out there laser shows, etc.?? come on.

I posted a link awhile ago in another thread about a comidian named Mitch Hedberg. You should check out his web page at www.mitchhedberg.net and look at his comedy central special...really funny stuff. Especially when stoned. There's other cool things to watch like parts of the Matrix, some japanimation (i'm not a big fan, but have a couple friends all about it), cartoons (of course). I'm not too good at stuff to watch, cause I usually just play video games :D

Originally posted by morrisey0
I post this on behalf of my fiance. I haven't smoked (except for a couple of late night tokes) in about 9 years. She quotes:

"Ancient herbal remedies applied marijuana for a wide
range of ailments, including constipation, rheumatic
pain, female disorders, earache, jaundice, glaucoma,
asthma, muscular dystrophy, epilepsy, and
excitability. It was used to prolong life, improve
judgement, lower fevers, induce sleep, stimulate
appetite, aid in childbirth, and better the voice.
Queen Victoria is said to have sipped marijuana tea
for menstrual cramps.
In modern medical application, marijuana
effectively treats pain, muscle spasms and tremors,
seizures, nausea, vomiting, appetite stimulation,
insomnia, migraine headaches, depression, and
glaucoma, among other things."

There are numerous examples of patients with chronic pain, nausea, and migraines who have benefitted greatly from the use of marijuana.

Oh well, her $.02


Since it was brought up, I thought I'd share some info from the 1899 Edition of hte Merck Manual (a quick reference guide used by doctors, if you call 2000 pages quick). Some of the older treatments wer a bit off the wall. To use one of Robb's exapmles: Constipation.

Constipation: yes, MJ was used as a treatment. But so were such nice little things such as Absinth, Arsenic, Belladona, Mercury, Opium, and Turpentine. As you can see, these treatments are not exactly considered useful any more, but at one time they swore by them.

Yes, pot does have valid medical use, and for the patients that NEED it, I fully support it. However, very few people actually need it for these reaons. There are many other medications that would more effectively treat these conditions. 99% of people claiming they "need" it for medical resons are merely using it as an excuse, and a lame excuse at that. There are those that say it should be legalized for medicinal use. It already is. If you have a valid reason, you can get it and use it. The important word is VALID.

Here is just one of HUNDREDS of studies that show the deleterious effects of THC. It also says that there may be medical conditions (mental anormalities) that may benefit from THC reatment:

Nippon Yakurigaku Zasshi 2001 Jan;117(1):35-41 (ISSN: 0015-5691)
Fujiwara M
Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Fukuoka University, 8-19-1 Nanakuma, Jounan-ku, Fukuoka 814-0180, Japan. mfuji@fukuoka-u.ac.jp.
delta 9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), one of the active compounds of marihuana, is known to induce drug dependence and tolerance, and its action is weaker than those of other abused drugs in humans and animals. Acute effects of THC, "high", "irritable" and "cognitive deficits" are more important than the drug dependence and tolerance. For this reason, we examined characteristics of abnormal behavior such as catalepsy-like immobilization, aggressive behavior including irritable aggression and muricide, and spatial cognition impairment induced by acute and chronic treatments of THC in rats. The catalepsy-like immobilization is related to a decrease in catecholaminergic and serotonergic neurons in the nucleus accumbens and amygdaloid nucleus and thus serves as a useful model for amotivational syndrome, one of cannabis psychoses. In aggressive behavior, muricide was determined by the housing condition. Muricide was induced if the rat was placed under an isolated housing condition within the period of the effect of single injection of THC. The behavioral change resembles exacerbation and flashback in humans. Spatial cognition is impaired by the interaction between cannabinoid (CB1) and 5-HT2 receptor in the dorsal raphe-hippocampal serotonergic neurons. Thus the abnormal behavior induced by THC can be a useful model for investigating mental function in humans and new drugs for the treatment of mental disorders.

Start looking for more weed, thats what you nee to look at........................your phone book.........

Of course you probably cant rememer where you put it now that you are baked, so forget about it and eat a twinkie. Doesnt matter what you look at, you will be entertained for hours no matter what it is, but may I recommend cartoons?..........

regardless of what you look at you should be listening to some Floyd, Depeche Mode, or maybe even some Zeppelin...........

Doc, I believe there are only 6 people who get the "government weed" now. There used to be many more, but the government all, but stopped the program.

California, Arizona and many other states passed medical marijuana laws of their own, but the laws have no credibitlity since marijuana is still classified as an addictive drug with no medical benifits by the feds. I'm sure you know which schedule that makes it, but I don't.

Patients with prescriptions in California have had from what I understand a pretty easy time getting marijuana from various sources. Here in Arizona it's another matter altogether. Even though we passed medical marijuana laws in 2 seperate elections the states attorney general has vowed to prosecute any Dr. that prescribes the drug.

There is another proposed law on this years ballot which, if it becomes legal will force the Arizona Department of Public Service (State Cops) to distribute the drug to those holding a valid prescription. I believe it also clears the way for doctors to prescribe it. I'm not certain how that would work since, again it is a federally controlled substance.

Muricide was induced if the rat was placed under an isolated housing condition within
the period of the effect of single injection of THC.
Doc, when was the last time you heard of anyone shooting marijuana??? Please describe the effects that would occur if someone were to shoot up, grain alchohol or pure nicotine. Or for that matter any distilled ingrediant of practically any over the counter drug.

Wow, Rick you are weel informed about the green stuff.......hmmmm....I am starting to wonder.....

Personally I think alchohol is worse then the weed, I mean, you can go to a bar in the US, get slaughtered and then drive home! WTF? yet if you get caught with over 1/2 ounce of MJ you go to jail?

What a messed up back ass system that is......

Tabacco and Alchohol are legal and weed is not? Please somebody tell me why?

That is so stupid!!!!!

I personally hope it remains illegal, since I dont wanna buy any USDA choice weed..........I'd rather grow my own......Oh and I dont even partake!!!!!! (anymore, except for specail occassions :)

Originally posted by Rick
Doc, when was the last time you heard of anyone shooting marijuana??? Please describe the effects that would occur if someone were to shoot up, grain alchohol or pure nicotine. Or for that matter any distilled ingrediant of practically any over the counter drug.

I agree. All that "doctoral" statement represents is the absurd rhetoric passed on to the layman. :confused: That is like reading my Law books, although I find law much more interesting. Especially after big ol' BONG RIP! LOL

Nice how laws are influenced by some crazy with a bunch of rats in a cage shooting them up with THC.

I mean come-on at leat you could roll a doobie and give the rats shotgun hits. This I believe would de-skew the ammounts of THC one can ACTUALLY introduce into their/your body by uh SMOKING it! I am sure they give the rats enough to make a nice helping of Pot Butter, for the whole family...LOL

HAHAHAHA I love this post....now how can we relate it to Explorer's.......hmmmmm......Weed flared fenders (ala cheech and chong)? INterior auto smoke out systems? On board electric bongs? roach clip ash trays? Secret weed stash texas center console? I got weed on my hootus because I dropped my joint and it stuck to the herculiner?


Oh man it's been a long day........

Hahaha, This brings back memories of a similar conversation we had at TruckHaven last year while we passed the bottle of GoldSchlauger around. :D

Dude I have been saving the gold flakes from all the Goldschlauger I have drank in the last 6 years and I still dont have enough to coat my rims.....Damn.

You should have passed somethig else around...according to this post.....

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IMO the reason marijuana is illegal is that it cannot be controlled like tobacco and alcohol.

Tobacco is very difficult to grow and will only grow well in certain climates. That makes people dependent on outside sources for the product.

While alcohol can be made at home it is time consuming and takes up a lot of space to have enough of the finished product and the product that is being distilled.

Marijuana can grow in any state in the country just by laying out some seeds. In fact it did grow in the wild in every state. Marijuana seeds were a key ingredient in bird seed around the turn of the century. Birds dispersed the seed in their droppings practically everywhere. While the quality wasn't any good it did prove that the weed was hearty enough to grow and thrive anywhere. So how can you regulate a weed that anyone can grow for themselves? How could you tax it and how could big business make any money from it.

Again, IMO that is one of the key reasons marijuana wasn't re-legalized when prohibition ended.

Yeah I know quite a bit about the subject. I figured that if I was using it I might as well know as much as I could about it. One other thing. When I did use it I would only smoke from a bong, since the filtration cooled the smoke and removed a lot of the tar like substances from the weed. No reason to make smoking something worse than it has to be. Again, IMO smoking ANYTHING is harmful in the long term. After all, our lungs were designed to inhale air not smoke.
