modem speed tests | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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modem speed tests


Elite Explorer
March 2, 2003
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1997 Mountaineer
just wondering for those who have cable modems if you have done speed tests. what site did you do it and what was the speed.

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i work for a cable company, unfortunately its adelphia. but any way that is a good speed. ive had mine for about 3 years and from start to now i went from about 800 to 4000 kbps on average. but lately on the site i use which is early in the morning ive been hitting higher numbers once i hit 6180 and last good number was 7130kbps. my co. is not known for speeds like that so i was just wondering if maybe it was the site and if anyone else noticed an increase like that. guess its the site.

i hit 3.2 with bandwidthplace.

How about DSL? Isn't it true that the more users on a single cable connection, the slower bandwidth each gets? I've got Verizon DSL and am getting approx 80kbps average. Compared to you guys that's horrible, how much are you spending a month?

not a single connection but a single node which basically means a small area of a town. but ur right less traffic means faster speeds. i only pay 20 a month but i work for them, if i was a regular customer i would pay 40 a month

Well I'm probably getting ripped mostly because it's a huge company, $50 a month + $17 for e-mail, they don't tell you that in the sign-up. They say $49.95 a month, but that's just for service, the e-mail is $20 extra!

Actually, after going to dslreports, my download is 677kbits, the 80 i was talking about is kbytes, always get those things mixed up.

Originally posted by 93exploder
um rick, lead me to **** pop ups LOL.

Sorry about that! What one letter will do to ya! I changed your link to so no one else gets stuck with the multiple pop ups.

it led me to **** to. u need to type it in ur browser. well huskyfan id look for more options i dont know your service providers where you live but it definately seems like your getting bent over. especially 80 kbps ithought dsl was around 600 to 900 could be wrong though

i have dsl and when i go to i get:

Your download speed : 1083516 bps, or 1083 kbps.
A 132.2 KB/sec transfer rate.
Your upload speed : 134680 bps, or 134 kbps.
Seems like broadband .. above the 1mbit barrier!

and on i get:

download is 1.1 megabits per second
upload is 139.1 Kb/sec

i have sbc/yahoo dsl and i am also on a remote terminal which is about 200 feet away from me.

i also hae a router that sbc sells (i was able to get one when i was a field tech for sbc) that is always on, if i were to restart the router my speeds would be a little bit higher, but not much.

I know nothing about all that number lingo you guys a spitting out so I did a speed test and this is what it said

Your Speed
2,056.1 kbps

any good??


My DSL connection in Denver, CO (Qwest is provider) usually averages 900KB download and upload. Sometimes my upload is actually faster. Don't ask me why that would be, but it's always been that way...

This is what I got with SBC AOL:


621.1 kilobits per second

Run the test again Discuss in the forum

Your raw speed was 621072.68 bits per second which is the same as:


621.1 kilobits per second
How communication devices are rated. Kilo means 1,000 and mega means 1,000,000. Examples include 56k modem and 10Mbit Ethernet


75.8 kilobytes per second
The way data is measured on your hard drive and how file sharing and FTP programs measure transfer speeds. Kilo is 1,024 and mega is 1,048,576.

1MB file download

13.5 seconds
The time it would take you to download a 1 megabyte file at this speed.

Hopefully we will switch to Yahoo DSL soon.... but then again :rolleyes: (the one I normally use):
1930 kbps down
369 kpbs up

I have RoadRunner. There are other programs out there that can test the same. Try this site for complete PC testing:

I use that site for benchmarks when I change hardware.

2.7 megabits per second.
1770 kbps.

On cable.

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3.9 megabits per second

Your raw speed was 3896352.2 bits per second which is the same as:

3.9 megabits per second
How communication devices are rated. Kilo means 1,000 and mega means 1,000,000. Examples include 56k modem and 10Mbit Ethernet

475.6 kilobytes per second
The way data is measured on your hard drive and how file sharing and FTP programs measure transfer speeds. Kilo is 1,024 and mega is 1,048,576.

1MB file download
2.2 seconds
The time it would take you to download a 1 megabyte file at this speed.


Compared to all connection types worldwide, yours is fantastic
I use Cox Cable.
