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Another OHV M90 build

2000 OHV + rpcaster + henson performance = another supercharged 4.0 ohv Explorer

I have goodies from James already (New MAF, 36lb injectors, wideband O2 for tuning)

Here's what came from Ron (Also a fuel pressure gauge and boost/vacuum gauge)


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We havn't discussed porting yet. Ya, I guess it is the easy way out for sure. If I could find a press to borrow, I'd go for it, but I just cant see myself ever needing it again.

Looking at the case, Im not comfortable with taking any material off that will leave an edge to score the blades either. The tolerances are pretty tight.

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awww taken the easy way out,i assume you are having him do the porting also;)

He never talked to me about that so he must still be planning on doing it himself before he sends the unit to me.

EDIT: Ooooor not at all. lol

We havn't discussed porting yet. Ya, I guess it is the easy way out for sure. If I could find a press to borrow, I'd go for it, but I just cant see myself ever needing it again.

Looking at the case, Im not comfortable with taking any material off that will leave an edge to score the blades either. The tolerances are pretty tight.

im just given you a hard time:Dyea i didnt either thats why i sent mine out and they are going to do a full rebuild and recoat the blades,basically a brand new unit thats ported and polished:D

He never talked to me about that so he must still be planning on doing it himself before he sends the unit to me.

EDIT: Ooooor not at all. lol

Id never be able to show my face on this forum again if I didn't do something for porting.

Id never be able to show my face on this forum again if I didn't do something for porting.

Don I know I would stand to make a few bucks if I ported your blower for you but it is not like you really have to do it. Obviously it will help and I would be happy to do the job for you but sometimes getting every little bell and whistle upgraded isn't in the budget. Don't feel obligated because you think we will tease you. I promise we won't........ok, maybe just a little bit. But only because you gave us the idea to do so. ;)

haha, yup. I'd tease too.

I hear you, that the gain in power per dollar isn't huge, and it is still time spent that needs to be accounted for.

I'm still on the fence. Part of what we are doing here is learning by doing ourselves. Ugh. Decisions. It will come down to the cost of shipping. If shipping makes costs the same as buying the press, I'll buy the press. Even if I take it apart and store it after.

I think I can do a basic port/clean up on the casing. From the documents Rocket sent me (Thank you Rocket!) the real power gain is on the inlet side. It looks like if I port the top side of the inlet, that helps quite a bit. Also, on the outlet, Just taking care of those two screw casting protrusions, and radiusing the edges and smoothing them out helps.

I definitely appreciate Rockets honesty on all levels, and want to thank him for that. Thanks Rocket!

haha, yup. I'd tease too.

I hear you, that the gain in power per dollar isn't huge, and it is still time spent that needs to be accounted for.

I'm still on the fence. Part of what we are doing here is learning by doing ourselves. Ugh. Decisions. It will come down to the cost of shipping. If shipping makes costs the same as buying the press, I'll buy the press. Even if I take it apart and store it after.

I think I can do a basic port/clean up on the casing. From the documents Rocket sent me (Thank you Rocket!) the real power gain is on the inlet side. It looks like if I port the top side of the inlet, that helps quite a bit. Also, on the outlet, Just taking care of those two screw casting protrusions, and radiusing the edges and smoothing them out helps.

I definitely appreciate Rockets honesty on all levels, and want to thank him for that. Thanks Rocket!

If you decide to do things yourself I would suggest that you do the porting work before sending it to me so that no bearings have a chance of getting any aluminum shavings in them. You can tape them off too if you really needed to, but if I am rebuilding a blower then I just port it first and rebuild after.

you really have to be careful with that stuff. always best to go with expert when porting a blower or any thing that can have drastic affects on air flow. i say send it to rocket but its only cause he is a good guy..

High volume fuel pump. Check one off the list.

No fun. I couldn't get the fuel line off. I was able to get the assembly out of the fuel tank with some maneuvering and replace the pump. Im glad its done.

High volume fuel pump. Check one off the list.

No fun. I couldn't get the fuel line off. I was able to get the assembly out of the fuel tank with some maneuvering and replace the pump. Im glad its done.

Witch pump did you use? Haven that body lift made mine a cake walk;)

It's a treperformance 255lph pump. Price was $85 (+shipping). Has a really high pitched whine at idle. I guess my ears are still working not too bad. The noise is baily audible, but I can hear the noise compared to a oem.

I'm glad that jobs out of the way, I hate rolling around under vehicles.

M90 porting

Here it is.
I couldn't do much on the intake side unless I want to work with the intake manifold also.
On the exit, the only area that could touch the blades I changed was at where I changed the bolt housing.
Other than that, I just radius'd the edges out. Here's a couple pics.


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Here it is.
I couldn't do much on the intake side unless I want to work with the intake manifold also.
On the exit, the only area that could touch the blades I changed was at where I changed the bolt housing.
Other than that, I just radius'd the edges out. Here's a couple pics.

Looks good man.not to drastic,clean and larger.should help does your blades coating and inside the charger walls look?

I think my M90 is too old to have a epoxy coating on the blades. I don't see any coating at all.

The walls of the case are a bit scored up, but I don't want to touch the walls at all, as this will remove material and increase the gap between the blades and the case.

The scoring isn't too bad. I see far worse pictures on the net (For what that's worth).

I think my M90 is too old to have a epoxy coating on the blades. I don't see any coating at all.

The walls of the case are a bit scored up, but I don't want to touch the walls at all, as this will remove material and increase the gap between the blades and the case.

The scoring isn't too bad. I see far worse pictures on the net (For what that's worth).

I looks super clean is why i asked.mine has soooo much carbon build up its crazy.i can still see some coating on the blades.oo yea dont touch those inside walls it would make it worse.

Mine had no carbon on it at all. I don't know the history of it though. I do know that the last time the snout was taken off, no sealing material was used on re-assembly though. Maybe it was cleaned, new oil fill, and not used?

Mine had no carbon on it at all. I don't know the history of it though. I do know that the last time the snout was taken off, no sealing material was used on re-assembly though. Maybe it was cleaned, new oil fill, and not used?

Could be,maybe whatever was used to clean it also took the coating off the blades.not having any would worry me:(

If my m90 gives grief after install, I wont have much choice but to fix it. Maybe I'd be able to get an exchange on the blade assembly somewhere.

I do know the early versions of the supercoup m90 didnt have a coating on the blades from factory though.

What really??i didnt know that,swore all blades had some sort of coating.i wouldnt think they would be as efficient as a coated unit.i know for the 3800s they made all with coating and each gen had better coatings and it made a difference

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I think your right on them not being as efficient. Or maybe I was reading information posted by a guy that had no idea what he was talking about. I'm not sure.

I'll have a closer look at my blades for signs of a coating, or a coating that once existed.
