Fan clutch removal | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Fan clutch removal


Elite Ranger
Elite Explorer
January 14, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Fresno CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
86 ranger no more
Any tips to get it off? Got the wrench from auto zone. Bent that one. made my own out of some 3/16" plate with a 3 foot breaker bar on each side no luck. Tried hitting it with an air chissel and still no luck.

Which way am I suppose to turn it. I tried both ways with no luck.

93 ranger 4.0

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...i think they are reversed thread...:scratch:

...i think they are reversed thread...:scratch:


They should be reverse of the way the engine turns. Maybe my dad will chime in, I know he has been removing them off the 4.0 lately


They should be reverse of the way the engine turns. Maybe my dad will chime in, I know he has been removing them off the 4.0 lately

Not always.

Look, for the umpteen millionth time around here, whichever way the fan runs when the engine is running is the same way you need to turn the nut to remove it. Otherwise the pulley driving it would have removed itself from the clutch long ago.

Start the engine. Note which way the fan turns while the engine is running. Turn the nut the same way to remove it. It really is that simple. Doesn't matter what year, make, model, or engine it is.


...hmm, and i thought all the american vehicle 4.0 fans turned the same way...:dunno:

Quoting my Haynes manual: "This nut has left-hand threads, and must be turned clockwise for removal."

Quoting my Haynes manual: "This nut has left-hand threads, and must be turned clockwise for removal."

That may very well be the case. However, I bet if you start your engine and watch the fan, it also turns clockwise. If the spun counterclockwise, but the threads were left-handed, it would constantly be trying to unscrew the pulley from the fan.

Again, whichever way the fan spins while the engine is running is the way to turn the nut to unscrew the clutch from the pulley.


My 4.0 is normal thread. My 2.9 is reverse thread. In both cases, this is stated on the fan shroud (assuming you still have a fan shroud). It also is the logical direction based on the direction the fan spins with the engine running, as gijoecam suggested.

Sounds Like I have been going backwards. I hope I can get it off now. That nice 4 ft breaker I was using sure will have it tight now.

My suggestion is to get the loan a tool from Pep boys. It's better than the Autozone one. I think last time I did mine I used the inner tool from pep boys and the outer tool from autozone or something like that and it worked like a charm. It's not the easiest thing to get moving and can be a knuckle buster.

Me, I use a big long screwdriver and a small hammer and gently tap it loose. I never could get any of the loan-a-tools to work for me.

you want to loosen it towards the passenger side.

it should say which direction to turn it in the engine bay right in front of the fan shroud

I say swap the whole motor. It's easier.

well I'm in the same boat again. Even though I've done this twice before I'm having major issues removing my fan clutch.

Anybody know who has a loan-a-tool that looks like this

pep-boys, napa, checker and autozone all have the other style and I cannot get the square part around my 4 bolts

I haven't seen that style at any place that rents/loans tools. I do know the Powerbuilt set from checkers ($200 loan a tool part) is the best loan/rent set I've found.

I had to use that one last time (engine was out of the truck already).. If the belt is still on I use the an air hammer and that tool from a snap on truck.. it knocks it of right away...


I use a pair of Vise Grips with the chain or chain grips to hold the pulley. For the 4.0 it's a right handed thread, so turning Counter Clockwise should loosen it.


  • Chain Grips.jpg
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I feel your pain. When I was removing mine to install my electric fan, it took 3 guys, 2 breaker bar to remove it. After everything is said and done, about 4 hours, the clutch and the plastic blade were in pieces! Lots of WD40 help a bit but you gotta soak it.

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yeah, that's the kicker, I've done this on my old truck and then on this truck once. Only reason to change it out is to re-install the flex-a-lite fan to see if it puts back some power from the engine since I have a new radiator.

So for the GREAT news, I went to a NAPA and I found out this store no longer has a loan a tool program. I asked if they had this (not to mention the guy was locking the doors and hollered at me from across the parking lot to see what I needed) and gave me the "y" style tool and said "No deposit, I'm not too worried if I never see this tool again" Tis the season for giving!!!
