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Back to Truck Haven October 24 - 25


Elite Movie Star
Elite Explorer
September 1, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Lake View Terrace, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Navajo '99 X '19 Rngr
You have had the summer off to fix your rigs, and do all that other non sense.

Now it's time to go back too wheeling, at Truckhaven:thumbsup:

Open season run, Who's In:D

Information about Truck Haven Hills at Salton City, CA.

Truck Haven is a huge playground for off-road vehicles. There are trails for everyone, from mild, to wild. This is a great place to test your driving abilities as well as the capabilities of your Explorer. You can see the kind of fun we've had during previous events by checking out a Trip Report from a previous run

Vehicle damage: There is always a possibility of vehicle damage any time you go offroading. Damage could be to the body, or mechanical.

Normally, the majority of participants camp at our Truck Haven base camp.

There are NO facilities available at Truck Haven. Camping is primitive with no water, toilets or showers available. If you have a porta potty bring it. A 5 gallon bucket with a plastic bag will work well

Bring everything you will need. Everyone is also requested to bring firewood to add to our traditional BIG campfire. If you can't bring any don't worry about it, but the more we have, the bigger the fire

Bring your own cooking supplies. If you don't have any you can probably share someone else's grill.

There is a small grocery store, two truck stops, a Mexican restaurant, and a general menu restaurant in Salton City and just beyond.

Weather conditions in October usually consist of hot days and cool to cold nights, rain could be present. High winds, and driving dust storms are always possible. Come prepared!

This is a newbie friendly run. If you have never wheeled before we would be glad to show you the tricks.


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I'm in.

I haven't been real wheeling since Truckhaven in January.

Heck, I haven't finished using the rest of the fuel in the front tank on the tow rig.


Looking forward to getting out there :chug:


Last time I was out at Truckhaven, I wrote this on my phone's note pad after Rick left.

Things I love about Truckhaven:
The sound of rocks crunching under my mud terrains.
The dirt thrown up from my buddies tires going right through his passenger side window and directly onto his wife, on the first climb of the first run of the first day.
Twisting up my suspension.
The droop of 14" coilovers.
The pride of knowing I built that rig that works so well.
Out-climbing those bolt-on JK's.
Not thinking I can make an obstacle, trying it anyway, and making it with ease.
Getting stuck at the top of one of those friggin hill climbs and knowing my buddy is going to drag me over the crest so I don't have to back down.
Scaring the **** out of my wife while my daughter laughs from the thrill of it all from the back seat.
The cool breeze.
The Ditches.
The Waterfall.
The rock station out of Palm Springs.
The view from the Calcite Mine at sunset.
Barbecued steak dinners with my family at the table in the RV.
The quiet nights.
A roaring fire, even if it is a warm evening.
My loyal dog lying beside my camp chair next to above mentioned fire.
A glass of good scotch with a little ice, and a cigar.
The bonds of long term friendships and common interests.
Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" playing quietly in the background.
Doing what I love above nearly everything else.
The wide open scenery.
The quiet peaceful calm after everyone else leaves and I am here alone.
The memories of my father teaching me how to drive in his buggy near where I taught my daughter to drive in my 4x4.
I love you Dad.
I really miss our conversations, lately they have been one-sided.

Truck Haven has become my favorite place to wheel for the people that it brings. We've always had great groups:chug:

Well, this may be extra motivation fo finish my turbo project. My wife and I may be in depending on her work schedule. May bring my cousin and her boyfriend too if we do come down the hill.

It's getting closer!!!!

..I'm currently looking for a place and for some help to swap some head gaskets on my X as it has been down for the Summer..I would really like to get this back together for this trip..:hammer:

Willing to trade help with your head gaskets for help with electric windows (they don't work and neither does the air!)

A4LD go clunk, clunk, stutter, grind, bang. OUT for winter.

She's resting in a nice storage locker. :eek:

Willing to trade help with your head gaskets for help with electric windows (they don't work and neither does the air!)

Zukman has a nice driveway for wrenching.


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