00' XLT w/ multiple problems & wife threatening minivan | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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00' XLT w/ multiple problems & wife threatening minivan


New Member
November 17, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
St. Louis, MO
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 XLT
Hey everyone, I have been having some issues with my 2000 XLT and my wife is trying to talk me into trading her in for a minivan. Please let me know if anyone knows how to fix any of the following problems.

1.) Roof has begun leaking whenever it rains. It started about 3 weeks ago and the first time it appeared to be about a foot inside from the rear passenger door. The second and third (as I write this) times, it appears to be coming in from the door. What I am really going on is where the water seems to be the most concentrated in the ceiling and where it is dripping. PLEASE give any advise possible as this is the biggest problem.

2.) My driver door no longer locks/unlocks with either the key or remote. I have to manually push the lock in to lock it and I have to open it from the rear seat everytime I get in.

3.) As of last Friday, the thermometer/compass is no longer working. Nothing appears on this screen.

If anyone can help with any of these items I would so appreciative. I don't want to drive a minivan and would love to buy a newer Explorer some day.


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i'd say for question #2, you can try and use some PB blaster or WD40 and spray it in the locking mechanism area.. i had the same exact problem as you did and i sprayed it with WD40 and it has been working fine since!

1. Remove the roof rack, seal, replace?

2. Replace the door latch. There's a small spring in there that breaks(probably can find it in the latch itself). It's a <$40 item at the dealer. Little tricky to replace but just make sure to document where all the rods go. Search for a write-up around here for door latch replacement.

I know my lock wasn't quite working correctly and tore it apart and the actuator was sticking after manually moving the actuator while pressing unlock or lock it has begun to start working right and can be opened with the key or remote but sometimes takes 2 tries with the remote.

Hey everyone, I have been having some issues with my 2000 XLT and my wife is trying to talk me into trading her in for a minivan.

I say take your wife up on her offer...trade her (the wife) in for a minivan, keep the explorer and get a minivan!

it's funny, my wife wanted a volvo. Couldn't find one for a price I was willing to pay. I threatened to get a minivan and she said "get an explorer".

Doesn't she realize it will be much cheaper to repair the Explorer than buy a new or used vehicle?

And have fun working on a minivan if you do the work yourself. I'd rather work on a compact korean car using standard size tools.

Check the fuses for the therm/compass problem.


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