Child locks | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Child locks


March 14, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Hanover, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'96 Limited
Just got a '96 Limited w/ 100k on a 4.0 OHV. Traded a coolant drinking Chevy venture minivan for it. 2 questions.

The tranny slipped this morning and the OD light is flashing. I know on my IDI w/ the E4OD, I can check voltage at the tach sensor, VSS and FIPL. Is there any such thing on this?

The child locks are in the "off" postion, but the interior handles will not open either door. Time to tear into the door or is there some trick I am missing?

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On one of my rear doors I have to pull the lever really far out for it to open. I too thought it was my child locks.

I will check that Ted. It was my son trying them, not me (duh!).

neither one of my rear doors work, even though the child lock is in the off friends get so pissed. but i think the gears in the doors are stripped.
