00m12 kit fitted.......... | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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00m12 kit fitted..........

thanks..ive done the other parts i just need to do the rear one now so thats the only part number i need

Thats were most of my noice was from! Be sure you have a loNG extension bar and Good quality sockets.....that is one tight MF tensioner!

And be sure to wack it in really tight- mine peed oil till I turned it a quarter extra turn!......LOads of oil pressure there!

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i just realized that i am in a UK forum is that part number the same in the u.s.?

Th part number for the front timing chain tensioner kit (OOM12 kit) in the USA is:YL2Z-9E473-AA


Just done my OOM12 kit, took three hous, (45 minsutes of that trying to recover a dropped torx bit!!)
Started up straight away, i didnt have a rattle prior so no difference there but it didnt rev up to 2k when i started it so the gaskets were the problem.

Pretty straight forward, lot easier than i thought, would not hesitate at doing it if anyones thinking about it

Cheers to H for being there at the end of the phone!!


Nice one mate, makes you feel good, doesn't it.

thanks..ive done the other parts i just need to do the rear one now so thats the only part number i need

The US part # for the right (passenger) side tensioner is XU3Z-6K254-BA

I also just finished up the 00M12 kit. Idles fine now when very cold outside, and most of the startup rattle is gone...............Im going to do the right side tensioner this week to hopefully get rid of the rest of the statup rattle.

Easy job for sure on the 00M12. I however didnt use the washer in the kit. I reused the copper washer on the original stocker, no reason to purchase another one or use the ****ty one in the kit. The stocker is fine to reuse and it will actually kind of snap into place on the tensioner so you dont have to worry about it not staying in place. Also if I was to do it again, I would have removed the EGR valve tube going into the upper intake. I believe it would have been easier to get the upper alignened and bolted down without fighting with the tube while trying to maintain placement of the upper.

Another tip is to remove the spark plug wire loom from the rear of the upper where it is bolted on, and just put the seperator on the wires in another spot not bolted to the intake. Its close to the loom by the firewall and this gives more space to align the upper..........

The US part # for the right (passenger) side tensioner is XU3Z-6K254-BA

I also just finished up the 00M12 kit. Idles fine now when very cold outside, and most of the startup rattle is gone...............Im going to do the right side tensioner this week to hopefully get rid of the rest of the statup rattle.

Easy job for sure on the 00M12. I however didnt use the washer in the kit. I reused the copper washer on the original stocker, no reason to purchase another one or use the ****ty one in the kit. The stocker is fine to reuse and it will actually kind of snap into place on the tensioner so you dont have to worry about it not staying in place.

I did the exact same thing, i called H from this message board for his advice as the copper washer i took off was in excellent condition and looked a lot better than the new thin steel one included with the kit, i did as H suggested and turned the old copper washer round and re fitted it!

I didnt have any problem with the tube going back into the mabifold, i was surprised though as it was a bit of a tug to get it off and i thought replacing it would be even worse but the whole thing just seemed to slot into place! What was odd was the tensioner i removed did actually seam to have a lot more tension in it than the new one i was putting in!!! i still went ahead with the new one though.

The US part # for the right (passenger) side tensioner is XU3Z-6K254-BA

I also just finished up the 00M12 kit. Idles fine now when very cold outside, and most of the startup rattle is gone...............Im going to do the right side tensioner this week to hopefully get rid of the rest of the statup rattle.

Easy job for sure on the 00M12. I however didnt use the washer in the kit. I reused the copper washer on the original stocker, no reason to purchase another one or use the ****ty one in the kit. The stocker is fine to reuse and it will actually kind of snap into place on the tensioner so you dont have to worry about it not staying in place. Also if I was to do it again, I would have removed the EGR valve tube going into the upper intake. I believe it would have been easier to get the upper alignened and bolted down without fighting with the tube while trying to maintain placement of the upper.

Another tip is to remove the spark plug wire loom from the rear of the upper where it is bolted on, and just put the seperator on the wires in another spot not bolted to the intake. Its close to the loom by the firewall and this gives more space to align the upper..........

i removed the egr tubing it makes life a lot easier....just got to do the rear tensioner now to make sure the rattle dont come back
