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Motorcycle in bed?


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Wow, that's a lot of weight on those tailgate cables. A buddy of mine tried doing this with a similar weight MC in an S10 pickup. He bent the tailgate on our company truck (which he did not have permission to use). So even if you replace the cables with steel strap I wouldn't trust it. If you hit a bump you could be looking a ruined tailgate and ruined motorcycle.

Yeah. No way. Looks beyond sketchy. Get a trailer.

Well figured use would all say that. I'm gonna try it anyway n let use all know how it worked out. I was gonna get a support bar to help with the weight or a rachet strap to help. I wish they made the bar for our trucks but they don't. The guy that sells them was very nice n told me it's very easy to make or he told me about the idea with the strap. He's big into off roading n has had his 4x4 sitting on the tailgate and never had a issue. I'll try it out next week and get back to yall.

This is the bar I was hoping they made for our trucks. Talked to the owner very nice.

Just get a 6 inch piece of aluminum c channel. Add keyholes and mount it to the bed. That way you can slide it forward and remove it. I’d want more than straps. As Koda mentioned the tailgate itself might not be up to the task. I’d spend the $19 and rent a trailer instead of risking your truck and bike.

I really can’t imagine anyone would say “ that looks like a good idea”

Just get a 6 inch piece of aluminum c channel. Add keyholes and mount it to the bed. That way you can slide it forward and remove it. I’d want more than straps. As Koda mentioned the tailgate itself might not be up to the task. I’d spend the $19 and rent a trailer instead of risking your truck and bike.

I really can’t imagine anyone would say “ that looks like a good idea”

I totally agree, and a quad or a dirt bike sitting with it's rear tire(s) on the center of a tailgate is a lot different than a heavy motorcycle. Oh well, all we can do is give our opinions. Good luck OP.

That's exactly what I was thinking about doing. The wood will help with weight distribution.

