'01 2DR Sport Keyless Code | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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'01 2DR Sport Keyless Code


New Member
January 17, 2008
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City, State
Weatherford, Oklahoma
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Explorer Sport
I just bought a use 2001 Sport, and needing to know where the Keyless entry code is located. ITs not in the rear panel where the jack is, or around the latch. I owned a 99 before this and found it in the rear panel, but for 2dr's its in a different spot. Please help, my local dealer is going to charge me almost $100 for less than half and hour time to look the code up.

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you checked on the computer in the jack panel? its towards the front and hard to see...almost past the fonrt of the panel bolted to the body. thats where it was on my 01

Thats also where it was on my 2dr Sport. It's hard to see and you need a flashlight.

For an early '01 model, it's on the RAP module in the jack compartment. For a late=production model, it *may* be located on the body security module. That module would be on the right hand side behind the dash panel. You *might* be able to see it if you flip the glove box down and out of the way. From what I can see in the diagrams, it's up behind the airbag, bolted to the HVAC plenum, but don't quote me on that. It'll have two connectors on it, and appears to be about 4x6x1.5 (guessing).

Hope that helps!

Found it... I had to take the passenger airbag out first... after that, there were two bolts on a tan, yellowish square thing, took them out and on top was my code... I'm happy now, that makes me love my explorer even more.
Now i just need to find someone who will put 2.5% tint on my windows, cause we can go that dark here in oklahoma, and I'll be madly inlove with my ride... ;)

Glad you found it!!

That also means that, if the question ever comes up in the future, you have a late build '01. That makes a TON of differences in the wiring.

