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02 Explorer is overheating.


May 19, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Cedar Hill, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Explorer
My explorer keeps overheating on me. I just had the radiator replaced last month. Yesterday on the way home, MAX temp….replaced the thermostat again today. What am I missing here, the fan or fan motor?

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Water pump is really the only thing left. Ill edit this post with a link in a second.

I figured that, just didn't want to face it. I failed to mention that I also have a 2001 ford taurus, replaced the WATER PUMP in it last month as well.

I hate to say this, but going all AMERICAN was not my best move three years ago.:thumbdwn:

Your going to have to maintain any vehicle....


Fan Clutch........not so quick. I've driven my pickup truck for over two years with no fan at all. A little economy move. Fans are only needed if you are stuck in traffic for long periods or use the AC. How is it running? Could be a very small head gasket leak forcing the coolant out that then causes overheating.

Well, not upset about the maintenance, but the timing sucks{-:
So this behavior is sporadic, and usually happens after I have driven for a while, and turn on the AC. And yes, while in stop and go DALLAS TRAFFIC.

I will take a loan from the 401k and dump it into repairs.

Also am replacing the front rotors {AGAIN} and replacing the calipers too. My front brakes are exhibiting this warped pulsating symptom. The calipers are the only thing that I haven’t rebuilt or replaced to resolve my brake issues.
You guys are great; Making me think of things that haven’t considered in the maintenance of my FORDS.

Well, not upset about the maintenance, but the timing sucks{-:
So this behavior is sporadic, and usually happens after I have driven for a while, and turn on the AC. And yes, while in stop and go DALLAS TRAFFIC.

I will take a loan from the 401k and dump it into repairs.

Also am replacing the front rotors {AGAIN} and replacing the calipers too. My front brakes are exhibiting this warped pulsating symptom. The calipers are the only thing that I haven’t rebuilt or replaced to resolve my brake issues.
You guys are great; Making me think of things that haven’t considered in the maintenance of my FORDS.

Sorry to hear you are having to dip into your savings.... no one likes to do that...

However a piece of advice. Dont replace the calipers unless you know for sure that is the problem. Just make sure they are lubed (I included a video below). Use that money and get some Drilled or Slotted rotors with HAWK brake pads and they will last forever. The reason your brakes warp is because they are overheating. Dallas 110+ temps with stop and go traffic will definitely overheat brakes in a hurry. Slotted or drilled (Not vented, all rotors are vented) will GREATLY reduce the amount of heat. They run about twice as much as regular rotors but last twice as long and they don't warp.

When was the last time your tires were replaced/balanced?
When was your last alignment done?

Part 2

So after sitting on my hands for two months hoping the overheating problem would just magically go away, I changed my water pump this weekend. It was a fraction of the cost of paying someone to do it. And my only real issue besides time was the fact that I did not understand how to remove the clutch fan. Thanks to AutoZone tool loaner program, and some asking around, I got it all done. Time invested, all weekend. Money spent, just under $100 bucks. Problem solved and well done; PRICELESS.
Thank you all for all of your suggestions….

Sorry to hear you are having to dip into your savings.... no one likes to do that...

However a piece of advice. Dont replace the calipers unless you know for sure that is the problem. Just make sure they are lubed (I included a video below). Use that money and get some Drilled or Slotted rotors with HAWK brake pads and they will last forever. The reason your brakes warp is because they are overheating. Dallas 110+ temps with stop and go traffic will definitely overheat brakes in a hurry. Slotted or drilled (Not vented, all rotors are vented) will GREATLY reduce the amount of heat. They run about twice as much as regular rotors but last twice as long and they don't warp.

When was the last time your tires were replaced/balanced?
When was your last alignment done?


Part 2

2002 Ford Explorer Over Heating

So after sitting on my hands for two months hoping the overheating problem would just magically go away, I changed my water pump this weekend. It was a fraction of the cost of paying someone to do it. And my only real issue besides time was the fact that I did not understand how to remove the clutch fan. Thanks to AutoZone tool loaner program, and some asking around, I got it all done. Time invested, all weekend. Money spent, just under $100 bucks. Problem solved and well done; PRICELESS.
Thank you all for all of your suggestions….:thumbsup:

Glad to hear you got the problem fixed. I had the very same issue last year with my 03....temp rising to max. Tried the coolant temp sensor, a couple of full flushes, new thermostat.....nothing worked. $1200 later I had a trusted shop find the problem....was the radiator, while they were there I had them replace the fan clutch, hoses, and water pump.

Hurt the pocket, but now I have an entirely new cooling system, lol!

Better than a blown head gasket....

Doing your own maintenance is not only fun and rewarding, it saves you a LOT of cash too. If you watched me do auto maintenance, you wouldn't know that I like it and find it rewarding. I'm usually cursing and throwing tools around.

I agree, I was really scared to change out that water pump on my own, but after getting all the right tools, replacing the belt tensioner pulley, finding the perfect cheeter bar {My lat pull down bar from my weight set}, it was a peice of cake...

On the brake issues who's parts are you using?
Rotor Brand?

I just put on EBC6000 Greens and Raybestos Adv. Tech Rotors. . . .which seem to address the warp-age problems. So far so good on mine over 8months no problems.

For the brakes, I have NAPA roters, lifetime Guarantee on them, and I lost the receipts, but becuase I had the boxes, was able to get them swapped out. Still does not explained the warping though.
