02 Mountaineer rear glass hard to latch shut. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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02 Mountaineer rear glass hard to latch shut.


February 6, 2008
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2002 Merc Mountaineer
First time owner of the Mountaineer. Went to grocery with the vehicle and popped open the rear glass, not the entire lift gate. Went to close and it wouldn't latch. Kept trying and trying. Finally, slammed it pretty darn hard and it did latch. Decided we better not use the glass but open the entire rear lift gate if necessary to get cargo in/out. Any clues with this one?

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I have an 02 explorer and my liftgate is hard to close as well.. I tried fooling around with it and nothing seemed to help. I just accepted the fact that it's one of those things.

Wasn't there a recall or bulletin about someting with the glass? I had to have the glass on my '03 replaced

I had my hinges replaced but it didn't change the way it shuts

I think the recall was for the hinges, not the actual way it has to be slammed shut. I've only owned this car for 2 weeks now, so not sure what all I've signed myself up for...so far, not too impressed. Already have had to begin transmission repairs. Solenoid for Code 745 was changed and still have another issue...code 733. "sigh"....Lesson for me is to READ and RESEARCH before buying! Any ideas on how to get that glass to latch normally?

Do you have an auto open feature on the factory alarm/fob?

mine does....on the fob.
In order for me to close the glass I have to firmly slam it from about 14-16 inches, not overly hard but firm and follow through with your motion, don't let gravity close it for you, keep your hand on it till its all the way closed..works every time and not alot of slamming...

Mine did this... I had a factory fob and an aftermarket fob/alarm. If I used one to open the back glass, the other wouldn't let it close. It was actually the factory that wouldn't let it close. So, I had to set the alarm off with the factory alarm, while the aftermarket was disabled/valet mode. This allowed the glass to close...

I don't think that is the case with mine...maybe others

It's weird, because once it opened, you could hear the latch close back. I tried with a screwdriver, I tried to slam it shut... but it was, in this case, the two active alarms (at the time I didn't know that there was a factory alarm too) I thought the factory key fob was just to open and close doors...

Oh ok, I thought it was a glass thing. When I had mine replaced, they broke the glass replacing the hinges. (Now I remember it was the hinges since you mentioned it) so they give me my truck back- never said they broke the glass- and I pulled up the floor trim by the rear door and there is glass under it. Then I notice the interior trim piece on the rear hatch itself is all scored and chewed up from the glass raining down. I took it back and made them replace the trim pieces. Some dealers... :rolleyes:

Nice Avatar JD! What's the story? (Hijack)

Which story? Maybe I can make a good one up... :D

No story for the pic, just had an itch for a pic in the lot this morning at the gym. Completely uneventful... LOL!

I just recently got around to having the strut brackets and hinges replaced on my Ex for this recall: http://www.automotive.com/2002/49/ford/explorer/recalls/35517.html
Prior to doing this work my glass closed hard too, but the tech must have adjusted it for me because now it closes very smoothly. So, if you haven't had time to get yours in for the recall maybe now's the time and get it adjusted too.

I thought this thread was about the latch not functioning properly?

I just recently got around to having the strut brackets and hinges replaced on my Ex for this recall: http://www.automotive.com/2002/49/ford/explorer/recalls/35517.html
Prior to doing this work my glass closed hard too, but the tech must have adjusted it for me because now it closes very smoothly. So, if you haven't had time to get yours in for the recall maybe now's the time and get it adjusted too.
that is why he's mentioning the adjustment:D

Same dang problem on the Mounty too?? Wow! Well, good luck...

I'm gonna look at mine a little closer when the weather breaks(no pun intended) and see If I can adjust it somehow

snow? how cold is it?

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-15 but not a lot of snow
