07 Ford Explorer shifting Hard | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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07 Ford Explorer shifting Hard


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May 14, 2014
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07 Ford Explorer
Can someone tell me how to fix the hard shifting that is happening
with my 07 Ford Explorer? Thanks in advance.

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V8 or V6? Do you mean when you come to a stop and it feels like it jams into 1st? If so to my knowledge there is no known fix I know someone on here had the tranny and dif reflashed a few time and 10 miles down the road it did it again. I have noticed on mine that it doesn't really do it much in the winter but as temperatures start to warm up it does it more. By the way welcome to the forum.

Yes LMac, you need to be more specific. Many have reported a problem of pulling it out of park when it is hot out. My 2006 has that problem when it is cold out. Mine feels like it is sticking right at the shifter pivot but all of the solenoid and levers appear to be functioning correctly.

I had mine reflashed and that did the trick. I couldnt believe the difference it made. That was a couple years ago. Every so often it shifts hard again but not enough to get it reflashed.
