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08 mercury mountaineer front end noise


New Member
April 5, 2020
City, State
Romeo, Mi
Year, Model & Trim Level
2008 mercury mountaineer
I have a 2007 mercury mountaineer AWD V6 150,000 miles. I started hearing a “clicking” while driving. The noise starts clicking fast when starting at idle and as I go faster the clicking slows down to almost nothing. Any ideas?

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Can you tell the general direction the sound is coming from?

Can you tell the general direction the sound is coming from?
Sounds like the front end, I want to say it’s the CV axle(s) But the noise isn’t there when back up and or turning and I recently replaced the driver aside cv axle.


If you had the front end apart check the dust shield on the rotor. It could be bent and rubbing on the rotor.
