1" - 1 1/2" lift thoughts | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1" - 1 1/2" lift thoughts


Well-Known Member
June 6, 2021
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2002 ST 4WD Premium
I've been mulling over this for some time. Not sure which lift kit would work best for my needs. Obviously, the front is torsion twist but the rear I'm not sure if I want to do the shackle or add-a-leaf. The shackle I would redrill for a one inch lift and if needed to move the support bar up or remove it. The add-a-leaf is generally an 1-1/2" lift. TT would be to match so I don't have the hotrod rake.

I've thought of 1" hockey pucks for a body lift, but I'm not a fan of them. The main reason is issues with having to move lines, wires, linkages, radiator stuff, etc. Too much work for what the need. Plus, I don't like the view of the frame being lower from the body. So yes, it's just personal preference.

I know the more you crank t-bars the rougher the ride up front. Been there done that, not worried about it. The ST isn't going to see much offroading as I have a toy for that. This is just mainly for the look. I am planning on going to a larger tire, preferably a 275/75R16 (32s), current tires are 255/70R16s (30s) I think, whatever the stock larger tires are. If the 275s are too large then 265/75R16s. Wheels are remaining stock aluminum and when I upgrade they will still be stock 16s just a different style.

Looking for opinions/thoughts on lift/tire sizes. Remember, I won't be stuffing the tires.

Thank you for looking.

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I've been mulling over this for some time. Not sure which lift kit would work best for my needs. Obviously, the front is torsion twist but the rear I'm not sure if I want to do the shackle or add-a-leaf. The shackle I would redrill for a one inch lift and if needed to move the support bar up or remove it. The add-a-leaf is generally an 1-1/2" lift. TT would be to match so I don't have the hotrod rake.

I've thought of 1" hockey pucks for a body lift, but I'm not a fan of them. The main reason is issues with having to move lines, wires, linkages, radiator stuff, etc. Too much work for what the need. Plus, I don't like the view of the frame being lower from the body. So yes, it's just personal preference.

I know the more you crank t-bars the rougher the ride up front. Been there done that, not worried about it. The ST isn't going to see much offroading as I have a toy for that. This is just mainly for the look. I am planning on going to a larger tire, preferably a 275/75R16 (32s), current tires are 255/70R16s (30s) I think, whatever the stock larger tires are. If the 275s are too large then 265/75R16s. Wheels are remaining stock aluminum and when I upgrade they will still be stock 16s just a different style.

Looking for opinions/thoughts on lift/tire sizes. Remember, I won't be stuffing the tires.

Thank you for looking.
TT is the easy, I did longer shocks so it rides a little better. I have done a add a leaf and liked it. My current ST has a shackle and it does okay. I am running 285/75r16 on mine with some front trimming. Probably need wheel spacer in the rear if you go that big so it doesn't rub the inner liner. Hope that helps.

I've been mulling over this for some time. Not sure which lift kit would work best for my needs. Obviously, the front is torsion twist but the rear I'm not sure if I want to do the shackle or add-a-leaf. The shackle I would redrill for a one inch lift and if needed to move the support bar up or remove it. The add-a-leaf is generally an 1-1/2" lift. TT would be to match so I don't have the hotrod rake.

I've thought of 1" hockey pucks for a body lift, but I'm not a fan of them. The main reason is issues with having to move lines, wires, linkages, radiator stuff, etc. Too much work for what the need. Plus, I don't like the view of the frame being lower from the body. So yes, it's just personal preference.

I know the more you crank t-bars the rougher the ride up front. Been there done that, not worried about it. The ST isn't going to see much offroading as I have a toy for that. This is just mainly for the look. I am planning on going to a larger tire, preferably a 275/75R16 (32s), current tires are 255/70R16s (30s) I think, whatever the stock larger tires are. If the 275s are too large then 265/75R16s. Wheels are remaining stock aluminum and when I upgrade they will still be stock 16s just a different style.

Looking for opinions/thoughts on lift/tire sizes. Remember, I won't be stuffing the tires.

Thank you for looking.
Why do you need it lifted?

To fit the 275 or 265 tires

1” body lift does not require much moving if anything, I did a 2” on my 03 trac it worked out perfectly. The best reason to do a body lift is you also get to replace your worn out or deteriorated body mounts

Add a leafs ride like crap
I would do a shackle first. You need a 2” shackle to get 1” of lift

I would do a 2” body lift and 1.5”
Suspension front 2” rear, keeps a nice ride and can clear the larger 265s

One thing I'll add. Its easy to raise the front end of these up too high to where they destroy CV axles. With no body lift, I measured mine at 21" from center of wheel hub to the edge of the front wheel arch. I did add a steel bushing to the top of the front shock to extend it, but it rides great and clears 32s (265/75r16 on 16x8 -6 offset). I used to have it too high and it destroyed CV axles quickly and rode like a dump truck. I would do a body lift or proper suspension lift if you want higher than this.

One thing I'll add. Its easy to raise the front end of these up too high to where they destroy CV axles. With no body lift, I measured mine at 21" from center of wheel hub to the edge of the front wheel arch. I did add a steel bushing to the top of the front shock to extend it, but it rides great and clears 32s (265/75r16 on 16x8 -6 offset). I used to have it too high and it destroyed CV axles quickly and rode like a dump truck. I would do a body lift or proper suspension lift if you want higher than this.
At 1" this 2nd gen 4dr rode fine, and the CVs had no issues (they already had around 300,000 miles on them) and even now at a full 2" they still do fine, 30k later. (just rolled over 331k) still on original CVs. no noise no creaking. I think it's around 35" from the floor to the fender with 31" tires. I can measure hub to fender. But the ST may be different.

At 1" this 2nd gen 4dr rode fine, and the CVs had no issues (they already had around 300,000 miles on them) and even now at a full 2" they still do fine, 30k later. (just rolled over 331k) still on original CVs. no noise no creaking. I think it's around 35" from the floor to the fender with 31" tires. I can measure hub to fender. But the ST may be different.
When I first got mine it had sagged down low enough I really didn't have a good point of reference. The plastic shims that isolate the torsion bar pads from the frame were shot so the suspension was super soft(bottom out over speed bumps soft)

