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1354M Fluid?

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Should be ATF. I can't imagine it would be different, since the electric vs. manual only effects how the t-case is shifted, not any of the internal operation.

...Mr shorty is spot on as always...;)

...Although, If you do a search on here you will find several discussions on Merc4 or MercV...Some even use a synthetic as it may last longer under hard use..

...Your auto parts store should have a vehicle listing reference when you go to purchase also..

I will add that the 13-50M in my BII required ATF, again I can't imaging the 13-54M would be different.

..This might be of interest and I would need an answer..:scratch:

..I just did a quick search on Autozone for transfer case fluid type for my 1354M..(95 Ranger and shows the same for 91-94 X 1354E)

..It came up with only these two, Mercon and MA...Any Idea what MA is???..:dunno:

[MA] is usually used with fluids when relating to a manual shifting model, whether transfer case or transmission.

Dexron III/Mercon Synthetic ATF is the good stuff for the transfer case, but currently available Mercon V fluids, and Mobil 1 Synthetic ATF are fine too.
