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152 Db

I am in Okinawa, Japan right now until Christmas.

Oh wow, your gonna be out their till the end of the year. Must be nice, I've been wanting to get out their for the past 7 years. I hope to make it out their within the next couple of years, because I realy need to get some parts for my car and stuff...

As far as getting 152, very posable. I was hitting 157 with 4 RF EX2's 15's running on 2 RF PowerPunch 800.2 in a sealed box, 1 1.0 Frad cap and 2 Optima batteries. It was quite a few years ago, and this was at a sactioned event so it was recorded with IASCA...

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Bobby Locs said:
Oh wow, your gonna be out their till the end of the year. Must be nice, I've been wanting to get out their for the past 7 years. I hope to make it out their within the next couple of years, because I realy need to get some parts for my car and stuff...

As far as getting 152, very posable. I was hitting 157 with 4 RF EX2's 15's running on 2 RF PowerPunch 800.2 in a sealed box, 1 1.0 Frad cap and 2 Optima batteries. It was quite a few years ago, and this was at a sactioned event so it was recorded with IASCA...

and again, if it was quite a few years ago, you cant accurately compare it to the scores that are out today because of the changing of mics and all. Since it was several years ago i know for sure that it was not the new termlab. If it were the old termlab, you may be somewhere in the area of a 150-152. If it were an older audiocontrol, 147ish.

The thing is with the new mics, is that it's making harder to read then the older ones. With all the systems they had coming out for the big compation events everyone was starting to get ridiciulsy high spl. So what it realy seems to be coming down to is that the new mics are harder to make high spl... Or their basing it on Average spl not Highest spl...

The reason I did not change the set of RCA's to the head unit is because I bought one thing at a time and when I got it all together I just was too lazy to go behind myself and run a new RCA cable back through the interior to the head unit. I will eventually do it. When I get time that is. I don't think there will be a noticable difference though.

LCPL. I know the Walkers Chapel area real well. Im from Irondale. What are you doing in Japan?
System looks nice, sure that I could hear it all down 65.
