1992 and 1994 Drive train? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1992 and 1994 Drive train?


February 6, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
St. Albans,WV
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 XLT / 92 XLT
I just bought a 1994 Explorer XLT 4.0 auto 4X4 with 206,000 on the clock, I also bought a 1992 XLT 4.0 4X4 thinking the drive train would be the same so I could go thru the 92 motor and put it in the 94. Is there any difference in the motor, transmission or transfer case for these two trucks?

I was reading the transmission, transfer and differential section and it seems that the 94 transmission might have had some improvements over the 92, is there anything else that has been improved on the 94 v/s the 92 like the motor or the transfer case?

Thanks Jeff.

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What's the same between '92 and '94:

1) Engine long block.
2) Transmissions are the same. The '94 A4LD has some internal improvements in it, but these aren't noticeable as far as interchange, and a '92 A4LD, if it's been rebuilt, might have all the upgrades in it.
3) Transfer case (BW 13-54) is the same
4) Front and Rear axles/suspension are the same.

What's different:

1) Engine management is quite different. '94 is SEFI, has an EGR system, and other things. '92 is batch fire injectors, lacks an EGR, single O2 sensor, and so on. As noted above, the long blocks are the same, so the engines are interchangeable, just not the engine management stuff.
2) '94 has 4 wheel ABS, '92 has rear ABS.

I think those are the main things to look at as far as drivetrain goes. There are probably other things to mention if we look outside of drivetrain.

Thanks MrShorty, that is what I was thinking.

...as does my '94. rear ABS only on my '92 & '94.......

I'm guessing that the order sheets for these came with several options/choices. when I ordered my '99 ranger, there was a choice between 4 wheel or rear wheel only ABS.

