1992 Explorer AC question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1992 Explorer AC question


Elite Explorer
February 6, 2016
Reaction score
City, State
No. Alabama USA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Blue Ex 4.0 SOHC
KAGG 3611 (CB)
This question is about my white 1992 that I have been working on to get back on the road. I haven't said much about it however it is the one that I just built the A4LD for. I was able to get the transmission to go through the first three gears but no overdrive. I tried to probe the 3 wires near the connector for the solenoids but was concerned that I would damage them repeatedly trying to stick the T pins in them. There is not much working room right there and splicing in a new connector looks like it would be a *****. That is if you could get a replacement harness connector. The connector for the case is available at RockAuto however it is an ATP part and the last one that they have and it is $37.79. Ouch ! I'm hoping that mine is good.
I now have the pan open to test the solenoids and if they are good, I'm gonna take out the valve body, what a mess, and see if something in the overdrive bore is hanging up. A quality pair of solenoids is $105- plus tax and shipping from RockAuto. I decided that while I'm hopefully placing my last order of parts for the '92, I would go ahead and see how much the AC line from the condenser to the evaporator and a new receiver drier/accumulator would cost and it turns out not very much and would come from the same warehouse as the transmission parts would. Also I would get a new orifice tube filter. In 2002 the truck was converted to 134A refrigerant. My question now is...
Question: Which type of oil do I need, PAG rating etc, and do I need any because I 'm swapping out just the line and the drier?
2nd Question. Should I purchase the dryer for a '94 that has the 134A fitting on it? I assume that this is the only difference with the '92 drier.

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I usually have good luck just replacing the leaking/non-functioning AC parts and charging it up and g2g.

Idk a damn thing about the oil requirements for an ac system, when I charged mine up this year I did add some oil I got from Napa along with the Freon. So far it still works good (100F avg in ks), it will cool the truck pretty well and hasn't all leaked out. I only saw one kind of oil for AC when I was at Napa.

For 94 I believe it’s 36oz of R-134a and 7oz of PAG46. They make conversion kits with new fittings and some kind of oil but I’m not sure how well they work. I just bought all new components to swap over. It was expensive but thorough

ETA: those oil requirements are based on the addition of a new compressor unit

An hour ago I placed my order and it included 8 oz of PAG 46 for 134a. I'm just changing the line and drier so I imagine I would use just 2 or 3 oz?

My manual says to dump the oil out into a cup and add back the same amount
