1992 f250 Plow truck issues... Manual locking hub gurus? Need help! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1992 f250 Plow truck issues... Manual locking hub gurus? Need help!


Been there done that
January 26, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Fishers, IN
Year, Model & Trim Level
'16 Sport, 08, other ford
I just bought a 1992 F250 w/ the 351 windsor 5.8 4x4 truck. It has 84,000 miles and a rebuilt trans.

Sorry for the noob questions to follow, I have minimal knowledge on mechanics and would appreciate the help!

Firstly, I have the replacement bearings for the hub, it's the driver side. I took it apart with the star bit, paid close attention to where things go, got it apart.. there are metal shards everywhere so that was defnitely the problem.

However, I get everything off and both "clips" the one that bends around the entire hub, and the smaller one at the center... I can't get the unit out so I can install a new one. I just can't figure out how to remove it. It moves when I turn it a bit, even up and down, but I can't man-handle it off.

(Basically, the replacement hub won't go on to the new hub it doesn't appear that it can be broken down any more) I need to replace this for the winter.

Is there a write-up that I can't find to fix this?

Also, there's a bit of an idle issue which gets worse with air conditioning or the blower in general (heat or air) and if I hit the gas when the idle goes down it nearly stalls the truck. I don't see any vaccum leaks and it will sometimes run just fine.

Also, my interior lights are dim... but when I rev the engine, they dont get brighter so I don't think it's the alternator. The battery gauge stays smack dab in the middle of the gauge, maybe slightly higher than the middle when driving it. When puttering, obviously, it cuts down a bit. The battery is fine I suspect since I ran out of gas stupidly (rear tank doesn't work, thought I had a full tank... but it was still using front tank and the rear gauge said full) Battery survived probably 30 start-up attempts (Stupid I know).

Also, the rear tank doesn't work but the owner says "the switch doesn't work" but also that the tank itself doesn't work...

I switched it on the interstate and it didn't putter and nearly die so I assumed all was well. Should I see if they tampered with the switch? How hard is the fuel pump to replace? I also have that part already.

Thanks in advance folks!

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Did you remove the big retaining ring that fits in the grove of the hub assembly? that is what holds that part of the unit in...It fits in a channel thats machined into the hub....Hope I explained this okay...

Did you remove the big retaining ring that fits in the grove of the hub assembly? that is what holds that part of the unit in...It fits in a channel thats machined into the hub....Hope I explained this okay...

does the tool need to be used for this? I read it does. I need to take pictures I think

Should be able to get it out with a pick. It's just a big spring clip.
