1993 Explorer Problems | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1993 Explorer Problems


New Member
June 27, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Alvin Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 XLT
Hey guys, long time lurker, second time poster. Well I have a 1993 Explorer with the 4.0 motor in it. A few months back it started having problems with surging and then dying while going down the road. So I read the message boards and since my sending unit for the fuel gauge went out, I decided to replace the fuel pump. When we got it back together Saturday it ran like a new explorer, no surging, dying and me no cussing. Well we drove it about 200 miles with no problems and I got in it this morning and the problem started all over again. I went and replaced the fuel filter and fuel regulator. So i went for a drive again and it drove great, but when i got back in it to come home it did its thing again. When I hold the gas pedal to the floor it doesnt immediatly die, it bogs way down, like sucking more air than anything, then dies. Thanks for the help in advance!

9/5- I was told today that it could also be my MAP sensor. Any input would be appreciated. And I havent had a chance to get a fuel pressure test yet. Too many hours at the workplace :(

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You've put a lot of effort into the fuel system. What is the fuel pressure (see Glacier's fuel pressure mini-diary) -- especially when it's acting up?

I had a surging porblem on my 92 XLT, the idle would run up to about 2k and sometimes
the engine would die. Had to push the gas pedal down to far to get it to go, it lacked
power and when on highway going up a hill it would ping like a mudda #&$^! Anway
TPS (throttle position sensor) all of $35 took 5 minutes to change (pull the negative battery cable when you do) Runs great now, and much better gas milage. My little
problem had been going on for 4 years.................


I am having that same surging problem and the fault codes even says it's the TPS, but I have replaced it with 3 TPS' (2 from Auto Zone and 1 from Advanced Auto) just out of frustration, but it has been no help. The voltages from the connection and the TPS all seem to be pretty good, so I don't know what to do next except buy a new Powertrain Control Module.

Check the MAF. I kinda had the same problem. I would fix one thing and it would work good and then all of a sudden go right back to what it was before. I didnt know that I had to unplug the battery to reset the MAF either.
