1996 drivers side rear sagging 2 inches!!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1996 drivers side rear sagging 2 inches!!!!


Explorer Addict
November 30, 2000
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Year, Model & Trim Level
96 LTD, 96 XLT, & 98 XLT
Is it normal of only one side spring to sag instead of both? The wifes 96 is really sagging 2" to the drivers side in the rear. I am guessing the rear leaf pack has straightened out..... I havnt really investigated it much since i just noticed it the other day.... is this a common problem? I think the answer is yes if I remember correctly. Think I would have a problem if I went with a junkyard leaf pack??

thanks guys

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Yes, it is a common problem. The cause is the fact that the gas tank is on the driver side and puts a little bit of added weight on that side. The only fix is to:

1. Replace leaf springs with new ones. Used ones will more than likely be the same, unless you know which side they came off and simply put the one that was on the passenger side onto the driver side. It is possible to look for some used ones off of say a 2000 model, that has less use on them.

2. Re-arch the springs. Cost is minimal and is somewhat of a temporary fix. They will eventually sag again.

3. Add-a-leaf, I don't think would work because you would simply be raising both sides the same amount and the driver side would still be sagging more than the passenger.

Hope that helps a bit.

I had rear end sag (and lean) and my add-a-leaf actually did help both. I don't know if it gives the current leafs their life back or what...but I have ZERO lean or sag anymore!

Good Luck!


You can just switch the springs around. I did it, it's easy. Put your left spring on the right, and right spring on the left. Like I said it's easy and best of all it's free. :thumbsup:

Mines due to a worn t-bar adjuster on the front end.

If it is your spring, the shock absorber is worn out too so you'll have to change both the spring and the shock.
