Solved - 1998 Explorer 5.0 AWD runs great but stalls when putting into gear (after a few min). | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Solved 1998 Explorer 5.0 AWD runs great but stalls when putting into gear (after a few min).

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April 3, 2024
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1998 Explorer XLT AWD 5.0
Hi all, I am new to this forum but am looking for a little help. I've had my 98 Explorer since new (~250,000 miles), but a couple weeks ago it started dying when you try to put it into gear. Idles great, shifts great (when driving), but dies when shifting into gear (when warm) unless you hold some extra RPM's into it. If you do hold the RPM's, you can get it into gear and drive it fine.... but if you stop quickly (without adding RPM's), it will stall (kind of like a manual car would). It will allow you to shift into gear immediately after cold start because the idle is still higher at that point. I have cleaned the MAF and the IAC and then took it to a shop and they have replaced the EGR (after finding a leak) and then they replaced the TCC solenoid. No overall change so far and they are out of ideas and searching the net for answers. I have read other posts about checking the #13 fuse in the engine compartment and also unplugging the battery for a while to reset the computer, but have not asked the shop to try these yet.
Anything else that you can think of? I am literally looking for a silver bullet.....


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Try a new good brand iac valve. Hitachi if not motorcraft
Does your check engine light work? Does it turn on with key and off when engine is running?

Try a new good brand iac valve. Hitachi if not motorcraft
Does your check engine light work? Does it turn on with key and off when engine is running?
Ok. Yep, check engine light does work and if I also didn't have a O2 sensor code showing... it would normally turn on with key and off when engine is running.

That 02 sensor code could be a clue. Have codes scanned and report back.
Actually, I just talked to the shop and they said it doesn't have any codes any more. They had actually changed out the IAC (not with a motorcraft becasue they wouldn't be able to return it if it wasn't the issue) to see if that could be the issue and there was no change. They are now focusing back on the tranny as they feel they have exhausted the number of things that could be wrong with the engine (and the engine runs fine other than RPMS dropping too low when warm and shifting into gear). He went out today and started it and moved it around (30 deg in WI) and it shifted into gear fine for a few minutes... then it started to die when shifting into gear. The only difference was the RPM level was higher (1000-1100 maybe) when cold for a couple min (kind of like a fast idle setting on a car with a carb) then it slowed down to its normal 650 (I believe) once it warmed up.

Finally found the issue. It was the Torque Converter. Something inside was failing. The tranny guy didn't cut it open to find the exact issue, but putting a new one on (and paying the $$$) fixed it!

So glad it’s fixed!
I will mark this thread as solved
