1998 Explorer Won't Start | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1998 Explorer Won't Start


New Member
October 13, 2013
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Ford Explorer XLT
I need some help guys. I have a 1998 Ford Explorer that will not start. It had a dead battery which I replaced. Now the keyless entry and radio, etc work. It will not even turn over. I have even took the battery back to the retailer and it tested fine.I have tried to even jump start it as well. No luck. I can turn the key over and hear the fuel injectors turn on but the Explorer will not do anything. Please help.

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which engine?

Does your 1998 have a V8, OHV V6 or SOHC V6?

Does "not even turn over" mean the crankshaft won't rotate?

How long has it been since it last ran? Has it been long enough for the rings to rust to the cylinder walls?

If the crankshaft doesn't rotate you should not be able to "hear the fuel injectors turn on". The PCM does not activate them unless it senses (via the crankshaft position sensor) the crankshaft rotating. Did you mean you can hear the fuel pump running for a second or two?

Have you tried rotating the crankshaft using the harmonic balancer retaining bolt to determine if the engine is seized?

maybe it just a low tire, have you tried putting air in it?

maybe it just a low tire, have you tried putting air in it?

i think you may have posted your comment to the wrong thread, although i know i always check my tire pressure when my truck wont start... lol

i think you may have posted your comment to the wrong thread, although i know i always check my tire pressure when my truck wont start... lol

So you're a mechanic at a Ford dealer, eh?

i think you may have posted your comment to the wrong thread, although i know i always check my tire pressure when my truck wont start... lol

I was just being an a$$ or sarcastic or whatever you wanna call it.. lol

Is the theft light flashing fast?
Could have a bad solenoid or ground even.
Check the little wire at the starter...take it off and clean then put back on if you're bored.
