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1999 Ford Explorer


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June 20, 2014
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1999 Ford Explorer
When I open the drivers door on my Explorer, the interior lights do not come on. Open any of the other doors and they come on. Also, the overhead console does not work.

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When I open the drivers door on my Explorer, the interior lights do not come on. Open any of the other doors and they come on. Also, the overhead console does not work.

most likely the door latch switch isn't working, or could be a broken wire in the driver's door wire bundle.

where is the door latch switch? can you send photos?

where is the door latch switch? can you send photos?

attached to the driver's door latch mechanism (inside the door) is a small switch. it is held in place by a single Phillips screw. while each door, the lift-gate and rear window all have these switches, the driver's switch tends to wear out first, simply because this is the door that get's opened an closed the most. sometimes it can be revived with some WD40 and some exercise, but sometimes it must be replaced. i'll see if i can find a picture of it for you.

here's a pic of a 2002/2003 switch, but the Gen II switch is very similar. note the silver button on the left side of the switch. this button interacts with the door latch, which turns on the interior lights when the door is opened and turns them off when the door is closed.


if the switch isn't the problem, another common problem is broken wires in the driver's door jam bundle.
