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1999 Mountaineer viscous coupling problem?


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November 7, 2008
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1999 Mountaineer
Anyone have any idea how you can tell a viscous coupling problem vs clutch pack problem in the rear end. I have a shuddering with low speed turns that seems to come from either transfer case or rear wheels. I changed out differential fluid twice adding appropriate fluid and anti friction fluid. Then I chnged transfer case fluid out, but I did notice flecks of a different color fluid mixed with the trans fluid. It was more gray to metallic in color. Could this be leakage from the viscous coupling. Is there a way to test coupling vs clutch packs?

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welcome jbrehmrn

1999 Mountaineer

Has all new ball joints, and front end parts, I put regular automatic Tranny fluid in, not Mercon V

I'd replace the fluid with Mercon V ASAP. Pulling the rear shaft would eliminate the clutch packs in the LS.

99 mountaineer

Thanks recent posts, I will replace fluid with Mecron V and try removing front and rear drive shafts to see if I can at least pin point problem (Transfer case verses rear clutch packs), I'll let you know what I found this coming weekend.

removed front drive shaft, still get chattering on slow corners and with quick acceleration. I believe it is the clutch packs in rear end.

Try taking your front drive shaft out, that would help eliminate the transfer case

I'd replace the fluid with Mercon V ASAP. Pulling the rear shaft would eliminate the clutch packs in the LS.
Umm, no, it wouldn't. If the clutch pack was chattering, it'll still chatter when cornering.

removed front drive shaft, still get chattering on slow corners and with quick acceleration. I believe it is the clutch packs in rear end.

I concur. :) Try some friction modifier first... drive it for a couple weeks. If the problem persists, time for a rebuild (or replacement... for the labor to rebuild the POS Trac-Lok you can upgrade to any number of better diffs)

