2 pyramid phase 3 12''s? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2 pyramid phase 3 12''s?


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2002
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91 XLT
A friend of mine gave me these pyramid phase III 12s. They are 125W, 4 ohm. Has anyone heard of or have them? Are these decent subs? Can you recommend a good, midpriced amp for them?

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from what i have heard, pyramids are kinda a no name brand...... i wouldnt buy them, but if they were free, i would use them.......

In my area, we have stores called "Wholesale Outlet". This store sells really cheap, crappy stuff. Guess what brand of car audio they sell?


Pyramid is a flea market type of brand. I mean how can they sell amps that are 1000-2000 watts for one or two hundred dollars? Simple, they don't even put out anywhere close to a couple hundred watts, unfortunatley they can claim whatever they want as there is not law against it. You can find their 15" subs for like $20-$40 because there built so cheaply, but if you got them for free I guess just keep them, or you could sell them and get a much nicer set of subs;)

sell them on ebay and buy one "good" subwoofer.
it will sound a lot better, and easily outperform and outlast those pyramid subs

Originally posted by leenjen
sell them on ebay and buy one "good" subwoofer.
it will sound a lot better, and easily outperform and outlast those pyramid subs
do what leejen said, and then go for something like one 10" Kicker Slobaric or Audiobahn sub, you can find people on ebay usually selling those subs (like one 10" Kicker, Audiobahn, MTX, JL-Audio ect. ect.) already placed into an enclosure for a lot less than what you'll pay at a store.
