2001 Explorer Sport having trouble starting | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2001 Explorer Sport having trouble starting


July 1, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Atlanta, GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Explorer Sport
I have done a few searches on this topic, and based on what I have read, my issue seems to be fuel pump related, but I thought I would ask the question and include some video that I shot today.

First off, I have a 2001 Ford Explorer Sport (4.0 SOHC V-6) with a little over 150,000 miles on it. It used to be my daily driver until I purchased a more fuel efficient car for my daily commute. However, I do drive it at least once a week, running errands, etc. I haven't had a tune-up in probably two years (I have done oil changes every 3,000 miles, though), and I do know that late last year Pep Boys did recommend that I get a tune up and new spark plug wires, but my wife was unemployed at the time, and I really didn't have the money to spare.

A couple of weeks ago, it had some difficulty starting. The engine would turn over, and it would run quite roughly then shut down. It would do this a couple of times, then it would start up and run just fine. Last Sunday, the engine would turn over, but just not start. No running roughly, just not starting. But eventually, it would start up and, again, run just fine. No hesitating, no sputtering, no CEL, nothing. Just runs like it always has.

Since I will be using the vehicle next week to haul my gear for a gig, I dropped it off at Pep Boys this evening for them to diagnose and repair it. I decided to video the starting so I could post it on here.

So, here's what it did tonight when I went to start it up: http://youtu.be/BkoNrOdpQkc

I stopped recording and tried a few more times. But then, when I started recording again, it started right up: http://youtu.be/Vnk4T2df7aI

I'd like to be able to call Pep Boys in the morning and sort of give them a likely place to start before I get charged a bunch of hours for them to crawl all over the car. As I mentioned, from what I read, it seems like the fuel pump might be the best first place to start.

Any insight or suggestions would be most appreciated.

Thank you!

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Just got a call from Pep Boys. In addition to the spark plug wires and tune-up that they suggested last year, they are also talking about cleaning the MAF (which, I think I had read about as well), cleaning something related to the throttle body(?), and they also mentioned some part in the front of the engine that may be leaking coolant.

I have not noticed any coolant leaking, but he says that it may be pooling in the engine.

I am about to go up there to check out what he's talking about, but I found it odd that they mentioned nothing about the fuel pump or fuel pressure.

It would be about $1,000.00 for everything he mentioned. If I didn't replace the part that might be leaking coolant, it would knock about $300.00 off.

Any thoughts on what my issue might or might not be?


So, they replaced the spark plug wires and spark plugs, supposedly cleaned the MAF, cleaned the injectors, and also supposedly poked around for any other causes of the starting issue. Total cost - $570.00.

They said my fuel pressure was fine at the time.

Although it does seem to run a little better, it shuddered and stalled upon starting once out of four starts while running errands after picking it up.

Obviously, I'm not terribly happy. So, back to Pep Boys I go tomorrow to let them know that the issue is not solved.

In regards to the "some part in the front of the engine that may be leaking coolant", it is the thermostat housing. It has some white crust around the seam, but I looked at it while it was running after I got home, and I didn't see any liquid leaking out. They said I was a gallon and a half low on coolant, though. I will have to keep an eye on that.

Here's the latest...

I dropped it back off at the shop last night. When I tried to start it to take it up there, it did the starting, running roughly, then shut off thing. Then it just turned over without starting as it is doing in the video that I posted. But then, as it has been doing, it eventually started up and ran just fine.

This past Saturday, it started fine in the morning when I went to run errands, then it had trouble starting once around 11:00 AM. Drove it the remainder of the day, stopping and starting it at least 3 other times with no issues.

The shop had it all day, and it started up for them every time. It's still there, and hopefully they'll be able to witness the problem soon.

Does anyone have any insight as to what might be wrong? A co-worker mentioned something about some solenoids in the ignition switch, but when I mentioned that to the shop, they said that it would seem if that were the issue, it would occur more frequently than it does.

It could still be some sporadic issue with the fuel pump, I suppose, but I'm just trying to sort of narrow down what it could be. I just spent $570.00 on new plugs, wires, etc., and that's obviously not the issue.


Mine is doing the same thing. What was the final outcome?


Any trouble codes?

No. I've had a P0174 (lean on 1 bank), but cleared it and it didn't return.

Since my query, I've sprayed starter fluid into the intake and although it didn't start, it at least fired. I have been planning to change the fuel filter so I did that and it finally started. The gas from the filter looked clean, so I really don't think that was the problem, but leads me to believe it's fuel related. I'm checking more threads, but am curious as to your solution.

Thanks swshawaii, but mine is a 2000 SOHC. Do they have the same issue? Is that picture appropriate for the 2000's?

Not sure. Look under your throttle body cover and compare it with the first picture. GL

Here's the latest...

I dropped it back off at the shop last night. When I tried to start it to take it up there, it did the starting, running roughly, then shut off thing. Then it just turned over without starting as it is doing in the video that I posted. But then, as it has been doing, it eventually started up and ran just fine.

This past Saturday, it started fine in the morning when I went to run errands, then it had trouble starting once around 11:00 AM. Drove it the remainder of the day, stopping and starting it at least 3 other times with no issues.

The shop had it all day, and it started up for them every time. It's still there, and hopefully they'll be able to witness the problem soon.

Does anyone have any insight as to what might be wrong? A co-worker mentioned something about some solenoids in the ignition switch, but when I mentioned that to the shop, they said that it would seem if that were the issue, it would occur more frequently than it does.

It could still be some sporadic issue with the fuel pump, I suppose, but I'm just trying to sort of narrow down what it could be. I just spent $570.00 on new plugs, wires, etc., and that's obviously not the issue.


Did either you or the shop disconnect the battery to reset the computer? Might try it for 10 minutes or so. Just an idea. :)

Did either you or the shop disconnect the battery to reset the computer? Might try it for 10 minutes or so. Just an idea. :)

Thanks for the advice, but I've figured out that it's definitely fuel pump-related.

I left it at the shop for 3 or 4 days, and they never could get it to not start. So I went an picked it up. When I went to drive it a few days later, it wouldn't start. But I sort of subconsciously didn't hear the fuel pump humming when I turned the key. I turned it back to the first position, no hum. Tried to start it, no go. I kept turning the key back and forth from off to the first position, and eventually, I heard the hum. It started right up and ran fine.

I have yet to take this up with the shop because 5 days after my last post on here, I was rear-ended in my daily driver by a 16 year-old kid in mommy and daddy's Volvo SUV. The kid hit me pretty hard and totaled my car. So, since then, it's been visits to the doctor, buying a new car, trying to settle with their insurance company on the total loss of my car, etc. On top of all that, I am working on a huge project at work and putting in 70+ hours a week. So, there's been very little time to deal with this issue.

So now my question is...

If the fuel pump doesn't come on every time I turn the key, but it eventually does come on (at least right now), and the vehicle starts, is it the fuel pump or could it be something electrical related to the fuel pump?

I’ve got a similar problem, but fortunately my other car didn’t get rear-ended.

When mine won’t start immediately, I turn it OFF then back ON and wait 10+ seconds and it starts immediately and runs fine. If you don’t have to wait to prime the line, it sounds like an electrical problem. Several years ago I had a situation when the alternator was failing – occasionally. I replaced the alternator to no avail. Everything pointed to a fuse, but the fuse was good. I could never predict when it would fail. Finally someone on this marvelous site said to watch for the battery light on the dash to come on with the ignition in the ON position. If it didn’t, the circuit was dead. One day that happened and I reseated the fuse. The battery light came on and I’ve never had the problem again, although I reseat the fuses periodically. Have you reseated the 20A fuse in the engine compartment and switched the fuel pump relay with the rear window down relay?

I’ve got a similar problem, but fortunately my other car didn’t get rear-ended.

When mine won’t start immediately, I turn it OFF then back ON and wait 10+ seconds and it starts immediately and runs fine. If you don’t have to wait to prime the line, it sounds like an electrical problem. Several years ago I had a situation when the alternator was failing – occasionally. I replaced the alternator to no avail. Everything pointed to a fuse, but the fuse was good. I could never predict when it would fail. Finally someone on this marvelous site said to watch for the battery light on the dash to come on with the ignition in the ON position. If it didn’t, the circuit was dead. One day that happened and I reseated the fuse. The battery light came on and I’ve never had the problem again, although I reseat the fuses periodically. Have you reseated the 20A fuse in the engine compartment and switched the fuel pump relay with the rear window down relay?

Excellent suggestion. I will look at that when I get home.

More info on my problem.

Cleaned MAF, IACV and changed fuel filter. Won't start unless I leave the ignition ON for +10 seconds. Then it starts immediately. Fuel pressure is 65+ with engine running and 0 within a minute after engine stops and after ignition on for 10+ seconds. That makes me wonder why the +10 second trick works at all.

The Haynes manual and other threads talk about the Fuel Pressure Regulator, but since I have a 2000 4.0 SOHC, that's embedded in the fuel pump - right? Which means a fuel tank drop.

Per Liberty86's suggestion, i disconnected the battery for several minutes. I'm not convinced everything is resolved, but it started immediately after sitting several days and several times yesterday running around town doing errands. For now I'm closing this chapter.

Thanks everybody.
