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2003 explorer won't start

Darik schradle

New Member
June 30, 2022
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2003 Ford explorer XLT
I have good fuel pressure spark and good battery and it cranks just fine any ideas on why it won't start

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imo the "elements" of starting

- air

have ya checked the air, compression, and timing part?

welcome to EF!!!!

Any codes?

What motor? My first two guesses would be pats or timing related, broken chain, jumped a tooth. If it will start with starting fluid then it would be a fuel related issue

What motor? My first two guesses would be pats or timing related, broken chain, jumped a tooth. If it will start with starting fluid then it would be a fuel related issue
ah shoot forgot pats. is the theft light flashin? shouldnt pats pull fuel pressure, but if OP has good pressure...... or does it just disable the injectors?

ah shoot forgot pats. is the theft light flashin? shouldnt pats pull fuel pressure, but if OP has good pressure...... or does it just disable the injectors?
I'm not sure. I'm throwing ideas out there, someone will chime in why it is or isn't possible.

I'm not sure. I'm throwing ideas out there, someone will chime in why it is or isn't possible.
oh ok forgot what pats does and doesnt do.

oh ok forgot what pats does and doesnt do.
anti theft system but it can lose key code, or quit altogether and your not starting not sure if it kills fuel or grounds somethingout

anti theft system but it can lose key code, or quit altogether and your not starting not sure if it kills fuel or grounds somethingout
yeah knew the first part just forget whuch year pats disabled injectors and which years didabled starter too and other sruff, i think later pats foes that but i forgot which yearsp
