2006 Explorer 6CD changer LOAD ERROR message | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2006 Explorer 6CD changer LOAD ERROR message


New Member
November 11, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Utopia Barrie, ON
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 Explorer XLT 4.6L V8
When I opened one of the doors of the truck without the key in the contact I heard the CD changer going through his cycle and ended with a rattle noise. I then received the message CD ERROR on the display of the radio.
I took the fuse out, removed the unit out of the car. I opened it up, removed all 6 CDs and cleaned the 3 micro switches with electric contact cleaner spray. I didn't measure the switches because I don't have a ohm meter.
Put everything back together. Installed the unit back in the car, placed the fuse back in place.
I didn't hear the CD changer going through his cycle like he always does.
The radio is playing but when I switch to CD and want to load a CD it asks me to choose a tray. When I choose a tray a new message LOAD ERROR appears on the display.
Doing the test by pushing 3 and 6 the unit only tests the speakers and amplifier.
Any suggestions please.

Wow man, you put in more work on that thing than I would have. You might want to take a look on ebay for a replacement. I have seen prices between 89 and 300 bucks, depending what features you want.

I had the same problem with mine. The fix is to replace the head unit. You will get better response from the speakers afterward, too.

yea once the stock one dies. you can just get a aftermarket one that will be better then stock and can use USB drives for around $250-500. and some will have NAV too. im looking at a apple Carplay one for when mine dies.
