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2006 X V-8 Exhaust noise


October 14, 2007
My truck sounds like a diesel on cold start. A mechanic buddy of mine listened to it Sunday and said it sounds like a cracked or loose header. Any one else have this problem?

If it is, is it covered under the extended warranty?

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Rs manifolds warp on all 3V motors.

should be covered under the emmissions warrantee, since a leak there is before the cat. Worked 5 years ago on my jeep 4.0 straight six without question.

Would those be stock? Everything is stock on my truck.

Yes the stock manifolds leak. Depending on states and mileage they might be covered.

When the 3v manifolds leak would a new exhaust manifold gasket will fix the leak? Or is the leak at the flange end and would a gasket also fix that leak, I also have a small leak on my 2007mountaineer. The manifolds look easy to remove,

The dealer replaced both manifold gaskets and it seems to be OK so far. Morning temp was 48* and engine was quiet on startup.

Viper, had several manifold bolts break off. I was told by a mechanic friend that this is a chronic problem on the truck V-8s. Glad the dealer had to mess with it and not me. My extended warranty covered all but $100.

You can try the gaskets first but usually the manifold flange for cylinder number is warped. For all the effort, i wouldn't want to do the job twice.

Manifolds on ebay

Swetrid, would you buy new manifolds and gaskets, also I see a seller on eBay selling manifolds for 79 bucks new. I do not know the quality of the product though, also about those bolt breaking off, aren't the bolts into the aluminum heads? You would think the aluminum would strip out first.

If I take on this project I was debating on opening the valve covers and replace the hydraulic lifters, there is a slight tick for 15 - 30 seconds in the morning on start up.
