2007 V8 Mountaineer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2007 V8 Mountaineer


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February 9, 2012
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2007 Mountaineer Premier
Hi guys, first post.

I picked up a 2007 V8 Mounty a couple of weeks go. Very nice ride with 36k miles. It's 2wd and very well loaded...only lacks the nav.

I have a ton of experience with the 2002 V6 we just sold but not much with the 3V V8 (I also have a 3V V10 in the F250).

First observation or question is about the trip computer. The mileage and fuel used seems to be very accurate. Is this the case? Regarding mpg, at 80mph I am seeing right at 18.5. I have taken a couple of highway trips and this is the average of there and back. Is this about right? I am hoping for 20mpg but may have to wait for summer gas or slow down to 70 or so.

I can't believe the difference in the 2002 and 2007. The 07 is so much more refined and the 4.6L and 6sp is awesome. I did add a K&N filter and I am ready to order a tune from Mike at 5-Star. I am not opposed to modifying things. Any other ideas?

Anyways, this seems like a cool forum and look forward to learning. Actually, I need to think about the cooling system. This vehicle is 5 years old and I would like to flush and fill before summer. I am a hard core do it yourselfer so any thoughts?

Thanks for your time.

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I got 06 EB with v8. The mpg computer is evry accurate in my case. Since you have another 3v, you are probably familiar with the spark plug issue.

Welcome to the forum, 07Mounty!

The trip computer is quite accurate for me as well; the average MPG is only off by about .5 MPG usually. 18.5 sounds about right for 80. 70 should get you 20-21. I don't know anything about the flush, mine could probably use that as well. As far as mods, some guys here have aftermarket exhausts, so that's another way to get some more power along with the CAI and tune if you want that.

I have an 08 V8 Mounty as well and I find that the MPG gauge is very accurate.

On pure highway driving I will get 18 to 21 MPG dependent on wind and speed. Closer to 65 MPH will get the better gas milage.
In blended driving with only 25% highway I am usually around 15.5 in winter and 16.5 in summer.

I also upgraded from an 02 Mountaineer and it is a big upgrade in the refinement, power and transmission. So far I have 50,000 miles on mine and bought it used at 33,000 miles. No problems at all so far. Only thing I did was upgrade the speakers as it did not have the upgraded sound system.

Good luck with your new ride.

Welcome 07Mounty. I agree with other posters regarding 95% accuracy on MPG readout (V8 6speed Explorer). I get 19-20 mpg on road trips in 70-80mph speed range.

Thanks for the welcome guys!

I liked the 2002 we had. Drove it 10 years and 125k miles and the only thing I did outside of regular maintenance was the wheel bearings at about 100k.

I never replaced the starter, alternator or even a single light bulb.

If this 2007 keeps those same standards I will be pretty happy. The 02 was a v6 base so now the 07 v8 premier seems like a caddy!

Those v8 with 6r60 are a bulletproof combo if maintained properly. Mine has 130k miles and still running strong. Regular oil changes, and tranny, transfercase and both differentials every 60k in my case.

I bought new a 04 and then traded it in for my 07 also new... Both 4.6 and the mileage is pretty spot on. I don't see alot of changes between the two but I hope for your sake you don't have the power running boards. Just got mine back and thank god I didn't have to sport the bill... $2,500 to replace the motors on the two running boards and it is the second time for each one.... Thank you extended warranty!
