2008 Explorer door gasket/weather seals | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2008 Explorer door gasket/weather seals


Active Member
January 25, 2015
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Oklahoma, OK
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2017 Explorer Sport
Hello all, I am having difficulty finding the part numbers for the black weather stripping / gaskets that go around the doors to help seal when the doors are closed.

2008 Ford Explorer xlt. The weather seal on the driver side is deteriorated and I can hear major wind noise from the passenger side of the Explorer. So I need to try to replace them.

Is there a specific part number for these or does the weather seal come in a “roll” and you just cut to length?

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There are two seals for the door. Are you talking about the seal on the door or the seal on the body?
Very strange that it would fail - mine are in perfect condition on a 2007. Did it get damaged somehow?
Understand that the seal on the body just fits over a lip. If it has come off just push it back on.

the only one that typically gets worn is the inner drivers door by the striker and I replaced mine from the junkyard off of a 2004 passenger front.... thats right the door seals are the same on 3rd and 4th gens as for wind noise its usually from the weather strip falling out of place and I fixed that with rubber cement

For the driver side I am looking for the one that goes against the body. Looks like it just snaps into a lip? Where the door striker is located, it has been damaged/frayed.

I get a lot of annoying wind noise coming from the passenger side area. Sounds like its coming from the upper or lower window area where there is rubber. A few summers ago I thought I had it fixed. I used some black 3M weather strip adhesive and put it on every piece of door seal/rubber I could find.

I'm looking for a more permanent fix. That is why I am considering replacing the door seals and if possible the interior rubber around the windows? It is really annoying taking road trips and all you hear is wind noise.

I just pulled mine tight from the top down recently. Reduced my noise a lot. Don’t just glue or tape them up. Pull the slack out from under the door plate. Worked great. A new one may not be needed.

Not sure you've tried JC Whitney before but they carry quite a selection of weather stripping for these vehicles. Here's the search results I did for my own:

Weather Stripping | JC Whitney

I had a lot of wind noise issues (no leaks) on my 2007 XLT. I tucked up the gaskets around all the doors and windows - and as was suggested make sure there's some slack to work with,.... For the gaskets that were saggy and wouldn't stay put, I used a bead of 3M gasket adhesive. The worst offender was the window seal on the passenger door. It would not fit snug against the door frame without gluing it up.

as mentioned its the same inner seal as 02-10 explorers passenger front door so check a junkyard first because my yard only charged me $3 for this part

Yeah I am on my second Explorer with this issue. The previous one I could move the weatherstripping and it stopped the one I have now when I move it, it slides back.
