"Custom" Driveshaft for a 4406 and 4" Superlift on the Cheap | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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"Custom" Driveshaft for a 4406 and 4" Superlift on the Cheap

I'll see if I can find it in the next day or two. I'd prefer to use the DC joint with my custom AWD shaft, it has new joints, including the slip joint. It is shorter than the AWD shaft because I built it for use with a 1" thick adapter. Hopefully the DC joint will bring it out to the needed length. I'm looking for the cheapest solution for now, because I will have a few items like this remade later on as final touches.

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Evan, do you recall how much difference in length there is between the AWD front shaft and the BW4406 front shaft? I finally found a double cardon shaft at a friend's house, where we have a bunch of odd parts. It was a rear shaft from an unknown vehicle, the rear of it matches the BW4406 front flange. It appears to have the same u-joints as my custom AWD shaft that I had made long ago.

If the joints match, then I can replace the two u-joints and end up with a shaft about two inches longer than the stock AWD front shaft. That is with the slip joint near compressed, it will extend some more.

The Explorer Sport rear driveshaft was nearly the right length, but the larger diameter of the driveshaft wouldn't allow it to clear the transmission crossmember.

Here is a picture, I hope it helps:

From the top down:
Stock AWD D shaft
F150 D shaft cut down a little bit
Jeep front d shaft
Explorer Sport Rear d shaft


Well in the pictures it looks several inches longer. But the last picture that you posted of three shafts, it looks like three inches or so longer. I figured that you would know better than I because you had them in your hands.

I don't know how much extension my slip joint has built into it. I'll check that, and I'll measure the AWD housing compared to the BW4406 TC.

Do you have any tips on the DC joint, R&R'ing it compared to a single u-joint? Regards,


I'm trying to piece together my new front DC shaft, and need a little more info as there were 2 different U-Joint style front Grand Cherokee shafts in 1998:

Most popular: 6cyl NP242 transfer case, u-joints. I think it's this one, but not sure...

Second: 8cyl transfer case, u-joints

Also, you used the front or rear drivehsaft from an explorer sport? And I assume it was 4wd, with the OHV?

I used the flange from the rear driveshaft on a 4x4 sport- all you need is the four bolt flange end that bolts to the Transfer case- it has the "socket" you need. Unfortunately all you need is the flange, but I had to buy the whole driveshaft.

As for the Jeep driveshaft, I don't know which it is, they didn't tell me whether it was a V6 or V8. I'd guess it's the V6 version. The easy way to tell is if the u-joints are different between the v6 and v8.

I do have a 96 explorer front driveshaft with a DC end on it that I believe will work, you can have it for shipping if you want it. I can compare it's length to my front driveshaft to make sure it works.

I do have a 96 explorer front driveshaft with a DC end on it that I believe will work, you can have it for shipping if you want it. I can compare it's length to my front driveshaft to make sure it works.

I just might take you up on that offer... You could even sawzall the shaft and just send me the DC end.... Let me whatever is cheapest/easiest.

I think the whole shaft will work for you, you just need a flange to bolt to your transfer case- I will have to go make sure it will work length wise. I have a box at work, so I won't be able to ship it until tuesday.

I got the driveshaft Aaron. I think it will be just right-

All you'll have to do is take the end off and put on a flanged end- like this one:



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So wait... I'm confused... :confused:

You have the Jeep shaft, and the explorer shaft, or just the jeep shaft?

Either way, I'll take what you have. PM me your paypal address and how much your looking for.

That is a 1996 Explorer front driveshaft from a V6. The length is about right, I checked it under mine just now. So, it takes the place of the Jeep driveshaft in effect. All you need is the flange off the end of the sport.

I'd try to buy that flanged DC portion new somewhere, instead of from a used shaft. Aaron, are you trying to improve on a vibration?

That is a 1996 Explorer front driveshaft from a V6. The length is about right, I checked it under mine just now. So, it takes the place of the Jeep driveshaft in effect. All you need is the flange off the end of the sport.

What about the thickness of the shaft? Will it clear the cross-member? How close is "about right?"

If you say it'll work, I trust you, but I don't want you to ship a shaft I can't use!

Well Evan has one in his, I hope it will work for me also.

The shaft is a small enough diameter it will clear the crossmember- the length from center of the cap to the center of the other cap is 29" at "normal" position, less than that collapsed and it can easily extend to 31". With the flanged end you put on, it will add some to the length. I'll measure mine tomorrow and make certain it will work.

The shaft is a small enough diameter it will clear the crossmember- the length from center of the cap to the center of the other cap is 29" at "normal" position, less than that collapsed and it can easily extend to 31". With the flanged end you put on, it will add some to the length. I'll measure mine tomorrow and make certain it will work.

Sounds great.

I just did a bunch of searching and found the spicer part number of the flange I need to mate it to the 4406, it's Spicer #211299x. I found one source selling it for $56.46, but need to call my local NAPA to see if they can get it cheaper.


My custom built shaft is 30" compressed to the outer u-joints, the flange portion adds 1.5" to length. I think I asked for 33" total when it was made.

-.....Explorer Sport Rear d shaft


Just wondering what year and transfer case you found this double cardon rear shaft from. I want to convert my BW1354 rear shaft to a double cardon shaft wondering if it will mate mate up?? This is all wierd because I am doing ujoints in my shaft now on my 2001 explorer sport and its not a double cardon shaft!!!


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