2012 Exp Clear coat peeling | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2012 Exp Clear coat peeling


December 3, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Poughkeepsie, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
'12 Exp limited 4X4
Here we go again. I am having no luck what so ever with this almost 50K Explorer Limited. I had to have the hood replaced & repainted due to the aluminum hood corroding. Both left & right windshield trip pieces replaced because they were falling off. Found out that someone had broken the clips holding them on & tried to glue them back on. Only place that ever had my car in for service was the dealer I bought it from. had a whole bunch of minor things that I just gave up on because the dealer cant or just plays dumb & says they cannot duplicate the problem. And now the clear coat is peeling off the drivers door just in front of the side view mirror & I have rust at the bottom of the door. This is a 2012 with 20k on it WTF?
You would think 50K would buy you something decent that would last for more than 5 years.
I am stopping tonight to play the game once again. Dealer will take photos of my car that is still under full warranty & submit to ford to see if they will cover having it repaired.

Waiting on Ford now to get back about the paint & rust. Also found the plastic trim ether side of the rear hatch both have a stress crack in the same exact spot. It was nice to receive the sarcastic eye roll from the service manager at "Friendly" Ford dealer when I stopped by to show how the cheap plastic was cracked.

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Ford denied the paint

Just herd back from the dealer & I was told some lame bullshit excuse about how they will not warranty the pealing clear coat. WTF!! the ####ing car is less than 3 years old & only has 20k on it.
You ####ing SUCK & this is the last ford I will ever buy.

Well first, you might try taking it to another dealer. If its a defect in the paint, then it would be covered under warranty, as long as it is not due to something like a rock chip. EXCEPT:

Just herd back from the dealer & I was told some lame bullshit excuse about how they will not warranty the pealing clear coat. WTF!! the ####ing car is less than 3 years old & only has 20k on it.
You ####ing SUCK & this is the last ford I will ever buy.

Your first post regarding the 5th gen explorer states that you bought it in December of 2011, which means you're nearly a year past the 3 year warranty period. SOMETIMES a manufacturer will honor their warranty this close to the period, but its totally at their discretion. If you act rude *ahem* then you probably won't get very far with your dealer or with the service team on here.

If bought in December 2011, it won't be 3 years old until this coming December which means it is still under factory warranty. I agree that being rude in any situation likely won't get you the results you're after.


You haven't explained why they are denying the warranty work. I have several chips on my explorer. They are all from flying stones. Nothing I can do about it. There must be a reason as to why they won't perform a fix. Lame ass excuse isn't info. If you tell us what you have encountered then you might get some helpful suggestions.

Post some pics maybe?

If bought in December 2011, it won't be 3 years old until this coming December which means it is still under factory warranty. I agree that being rude in any situation likely won't get you the results you're after.


Yep. I'm an idiot because math. Doh.

I stand by my point that politeness will get OP a lot further. Nobody wants to help a jerk.

You haven't explained why they are denying the warranty work. I have several chips on my explorer. They are all from flying stones. Nothing I can do about it. There must be a reason as to why they won't perform a fix. Lame ass excuse isn't info. If you tell us what you have encountered then you might get some helpful suggestions.

The dealer is not the one who denied the claim Ford company has directly denied it. I called Ford directly to try to get an explanation as to why it was denied & I got some long BS explanation as to the process of how the clear coat is applied blah blah blah & that they have not had a case like this before & the team that inspected the photos claim that it was road damage. This is total BS. the clear coat is clearly pealing from the top edge of the drivers side front fender & is in now way in an area that would obtain road damage. As for the rust at the bottom edge of the door, the door has a tight seal against rubber weather striping that it completely separate from the cabin seal. It is conveniently located as to allow dirt from the road to collect & thus "sand papering" the paint off of the bottom edge of the door. ONLY way to fix this would be to wash the car or at least this area every single time you are done driving. WHO THE F... DOSE THAT? Its just a poor design on there part & refusing to take ownership of this defect they would rather lose a loyal customer.

After I mentioned to the rep that this is just one of MANY issues I have had with this car minor & major she escalated my case to high what ever that means. I had to have the hood replaced because the aluminum was corroding, front wind screen molding replaced because ether the dealer or factory broke the clips holding them on & tried to glue them back in place, minor trim issues inside that are still not resolved, A freaking rattle in the A pillar drivers side that sounds like a pipe in a pipe being rattled around that only shows up when its cold out, a glove box lock that never worked from day one, & numerous stupid little issues with the sync system that I finally gave up on trying to have fixed. This is what $48k gets you these days?
I have photos but no hosting site to upload to so if anyone is really interested I'll just e-mail them or something.

The dealer is not the one who denied the claim Ford company has directly denied it. I called Ford directly to try to get an explanation as to why it was denied & I got some long BS explanation as to the process of how the clear coat is applied blah blah blah & that they have not had a case like this before & the team that inspected the photos claim that it was road damage. This is total BS. the clear coat is clearly pealing from the top edge of the drivers side front fender & is in now way in an area that would obtain road damage. As for the rust at the bottom edge of the door, the door has a tight seal against rubber weather striping that it completely separate from the cabin seal. It is conveniently located as to allow dirt from the road to collect & thus "sand papering" the paint off of the bottom edge of the door. ONLY way to fix this would be to wash the car or at least this area every single time you are done driving. WHO THE F... DOSE THAT? Its just a poor design on there part & refusing to take ownership of this defect they would rather lose a loyal customer.

After I mentioned to the rep that this is just one of MANY issues I have had with this car minor & major she escalated my case to high what ever that means. I had to have the hood replaced because the aluminum was corroding, front wind screen molding replaced because ether the dealer or factory broke the clips holding them on & tried to glue them back in place, minor trim issues inside that are still not resolved, A freaking rattle in the A pillar drivers side that sounds like a pipe in a pipe being rattled around that only shows up when its cold out, a glove box lock that never worked from day one, & numerous stupid little issues with the sync system that I finally gave up on trying to have fixed. This is what $48k gets you these days?
I have photos but no hosting site to upload to so if anyone is really interested I'll just e-mail them or something.

Sounds crappy. I can't see how they. Could determine road damage from a pic. Just taking the easy road. See if you can get another body shop to say BS. Document every little thing.

Sounds crappy. I can't see how they. Could determine road damage from a pic. Just taking the easy road. See if you can get another body shop to say BS. Document every little thing.

Again, it has nothing to do with the dealer or body shop its whom ever at Ford that deals with factory warranty's that determined this from the photos.
I have real "road damage" from stones & A Holes banging their doors into mine but this is clearly not the case.
I am supposed to hear back with in 24 hours from ford now so well see what will come of this round.

Best of luck!

...I am supposed to hear back with in 24 hours from ford now so well see what will come of this round.

Let me know what you find out, Grizz593. If you need my assistance, just send me a PM with your full name, best daytime phone number, VIN, current mileage, and servicing dealership so I can look into this.


Let me know what you find out, Grizz593. If you need my assistance, just send me a PM with your full name, best daytime phone number, VIN, current mileage, and servicing dealership so I can look into this.


After a long frustrating conversation of them trying to explain that the "engineers" of fords paint division that reviewed the photos decided to deny the claim saying that they do not warranty paint jobs done by a 3rd party. I had no freaking idea what they were talking about. I had someone back into my rear quarter 2 years ago but that repair did not go past the rear door. Sonya, the ford rep, just kept stating that the engineers word was final & there was no one else I could talk to or appeal this to & that I was basically SOL.
She also went on to explain that the repair I had done was not a ford authorized repair center so they could not nor would not warranty the work. I could not explain to her that I understood this IF in fact that it was in the area of question but the fact that is was at the other end of the car is where I was confused as to why they insisted it was not there work. She just continued to spew out that the higher powers from above have spoken & it was though sh*# on my part.

So off I went to my mechanic to see who he would recommend I have the paint done by & low & behold he pointed out that when my hood was replaced & painted by the FORD AUTHORIZED pain shop that they had blended in the clear coat on the front fenders to match the hood that was replaced due to corrosion.

A lot of aggravation & wasted time could have been avoided if proper records were kept both by Ford & the dealer that did the work & not having arrogant people just trying to dismiss customers because they are to lazy to do a little research into a matter. Sonya did not fully understand why I was being denied ether & just saying to bad she could have looked into it further.

I took the time from work to drive over to the place that did the paint & I am happy to say they were very professional about it & apologized & will be doing the repair at no cost AND said they will fix the rusting doors where they make contact at the bottom seal for free as well.

So sad to see Ford now going the way of GM & Chrysler :(
