2013 Sport vs 2014 Sport | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2013 Sport vs 2014 Sport


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February 5, 2008
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2018 Explorer Sport
I did a search but didn't come up with anything. What are the differeences between the two? Thanks !!

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I did a search but didn't come up with anything. What are the differeences between the two? Thanks !!

Other than the larger brake calipers/pads on the 14, if I were looking at which is the best deal, price wise, I would go for the better priced one.

Other than the larger brake calipers/pads on the 14, if I were looking at which is the best deal, price wise, I would go for the better priced one.

ALL Sport's have the larger brake rotors/calipers regardless of year. The larger rotors/calipers started on the Interceptor's and was first available to the public on the Sport. It soon trickled down to the Limited and XLT. The same rotors/calipers are also on the Taurus and Flex.

one is 2013 and the other is a 2014...lol

There were a few tiny changes that I can't remember but the center console for the captains chairs was one of them.
